MBKM Registration


Registration for conversion of credits for the MBKM program and achievement program is open until the second week of lectures, if you register beyond that it will be processed in the next semester. Students are required to register for MBKM to be able to convert credits (credit transfer courses). Students who do not convert credits but take part in MBKM activities are also required to report to the department for internal data collection.

1. https://data.its.ac.id/kalkulator-mbkm/
2. https://its.id/daftarmbkm
3. https://its.id/formmbkm

Click the following link to join the MBKM DTMI group:



  1. Students who take part in off-campus activities but do not carry out academic conversion/subject conversion, MUST follow the reporting procedures but form 1/form 2 is given a statement of no conversion


  1. To calculate the number of activity days to be converted, students can calculate using the MBKM calculator at https://data.its.ac.id/kalkulator-mbkm/
  2. Students MUST upload a portfolio on myITS Student Connect and if there is an academic conversion option, select “YES”
  3. If you take part in an independent internship program/collaboration internship/industrial internship program that will be converted you are MUST to arrange a collaboration agreement
  4. Students who wish to convert to core courses MUST fill in form 0 which can be downloaded at the link here
  5. Files that need to be uploaded for MBKM conversion registration are in the link https://its.id/daftarmbkm , that is:
  • Proof of filling in myITS Student Connect (capture the display before saving and capture the display after saving)
  • Form-1 which has been approved by the guardian lecturer, specifically for international student exchange form-1 is replaced with a learning of agreement format from the Directorate of Global Partnerships which can be downloaded at the link here
  • Proof of acceptance of the mbkm program
  • Syllabus/curriculum from the MBKM site

Forms can be downloaded here

  1. Kompetisi atau kegiatan lain yang sudah dijadikan SKEM tidak bisa dialih kreditkan;
  2. Wajib mengisi data pada myITS Student Connect dan mengunggah berkas pada SIM tersebut dan pilih “YA” pada pilihan konversi akademik untuk dikonversi sks;
  3. Wajib mendapatkan Surat Keputusan Rektor/Surat Keterangan Konversi dari Direktorat Kemahasiswaan
  4. Berkas yang perlu diupload untuk pendaftaran konversi program apresiasi prestasi pada link https://its.id/daftarmbkm , yaitu:
  • Sertifikat Penghargaan/Piagam juara 1 (medali emas), juara 2 (medali perak), juara 3 (medali perunggu) atau apresiasi yang setara (melalui ketetapan Direktorat Kemahasiswaan) yang dikeluarkan oleh penyelenggara lomba/kompetisi/kegiatan untuk skala nasional ataupun internasional
  • Foto penyerahan hadiah/dokumentasi ketika juara
  • Form-2 yang sudah disetujui oleh dosen wali
  • Website/poster penyelenggara kompetisi
  • Bukti pengisian myITS Student Connect
  • SK Rektor/Surat Keterangan Konversi dari Direktorat Kemahasiswaan

Setelah berkas dilengkapi maka nilai akan otomatis dikonversi.

Form-form dapat diunduh disini

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