
The 46th IPA COnvention & Exchibition “Addressing the Dual Challenge: Meeting Indonesia’s Energy Needs While Mitigating Risks of Climate Change”

Tue, 20 Sep 2022
10:22 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

We are pleased to announce that the IPA Convex 2022 opens today, Wednesday 21 September 2022. Please register your name as a Convention Delegate and join the IPA Convex 2022 to get the latest update on the upstream oil and gas industry both national and global.



The IPA Convex 2022 will be held in hybrid concept on 21-23 September 2022. You can visit us in person at the Jakarta Convention Center or through the virtual platform (

The IPA Convex 2022 will have numerous panel discussions, special sessions, and technical presentations on the urgency of achieving Indonesia’s energy needs in 2030 as well as the energy transition pathways in accordance to mitigate the risks of climate change.

You can also visit the exhibition with more than 90 exhibitors showcasing the latest technology and information on the oil and gas industry. This year, we will have a green pavilion in the exhibition.

For any inquiries related to registration please visit our official website ( or contact us through & WhatsApp at +62 838 1416 9927 (Ms. Anggi).

#IPAConvex2022 #MinyakBumi #GasBumi #OilandGas #Migas #CleanerEnergy #EnergyTransition #ClimateChange


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