The rocks and minerals that make up the Earth’s crust, which humans need as
ITS Geophysical Engineering will have a guest lecture with the topic “How Good is
2 Students of Geophysical Engineering has achieved a winning in a competition held by
Geophysical Engineering ITS presents: Web Seminar ” ‘Pemanfaatan Geoheritage” di Gunung Sewu UNESCO Global
Musim hujan datang dan selalu diikuti angin kencang (puting beliung). Dan hampir selalu diikuti
ITS Geophysical Engineering will conduct a guest lecture with the topic of “Citra Inderaja
ITS Geophysical Engineering presents Guest Lecture: “Business Continuity Plan Kawasan Wisata Rawan Bencana”, inviting
ITS Geophysical Engineering ITS in collaboration with PT Elnusa Tbk presents a Webinar entitled