Petronas Indonesia opens opportunities for the nation’s best talents to join the Apprenticeship Program
Hello ITS Students! Congratulations to the new students who were successfully accepted at the
Teknik Geofisika ITS berkolaborasi dengan Dongeng Geologi, Masyarakat Geologi Tata Lingkungan (MAGETI), Pemandu Geowisata
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu dengan topik “Berkah Geowisata Indonesia”, bersama narasumber: Awang
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan kuliah tamu dengan topik “Resistivity Method for Near Surface/Environment Exploration”,
Sehubungan dengan program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayan, Riset, dan Teknologi