
SOP of Self Isolation (ISOMAN) in ITS

The Covid Task Force of ITS Student Affairs Directorateย  issued a circular in the

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First Session of KMMI 2021 Program in Geophysical Engineering ITS

Congratulations to students from various universities in Indonesia who have been accepted in program

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Scholarship from Mendikbudristek for “Merdeka Belajar Untuk Semua”: EdX – ICE Institute

Kemdikbudristek open the opportunity for Indonesian student to join an online course with scholarship.

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Announcement of ITS Rector: Extension of Activity Limitation in Campus Until 25 July 2021

The ITS Rector has announce an announcement regarding the extension of the limitation activity

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Program KMMI 2021, Teknik Geofisika ITS Membuka 2 Short Course Petrophysics Training dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi

Kemdikbudristek has launched the KMMI Program (Micro Credentials for Indonesian Students), one of the

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Webinar The Challenges and Opportunities in Industry of Tourism During a Pandemic

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno said that the Covid-19 pandemic

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Batan Goes To Campus: Sharing Knowledge

As the initiation of partnership between Geophysical Engineering ITS with Badan Tenaga Nuklir (BATAN),

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Scholarship of Bakti BCA 2021

Immediately register yourself to be able to get the BCA Bakti Scholarship. The requirements

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Edaran Wakil Rektor I-Recommendation to Students to Stay in Their Hometowns

Vice Rector I has issued an announcement letter in order to support the government

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COngratulation for the awardee of Program Transfer Kredit Internasonal Scholarship and Bank Indonesia Scholarship

Congratulation for students of Geophysical Engineering ITS which won the scholarships: Scholarship of Program

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