
ITS Geophysical Engineering Successfully Invites Course Commtech 2021 Participants to Dive into the Indonesian Volcano Phenomenon

Fri, 10 Sep 2021
2:33 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Short Program Community and Technological Camp (CommTECH) ITS always attracts the attention of the academic community from various parts of the world. Held online, this time CommTECH – Summer Edition 2021 collaborates with ITS Geophysical Engineering as a provider of Sub Course: Ring of Fire- Wonderful Indonesia.


This sub course runs from 23 August – 3 September 2021, with various interesting materials given every day. Starting from the basic concept of Ring of Fire, the effects it causes, to how the industrial world uses it.


Several ITS Geophysical Engineering Lecturers who are involved in this Sub Course material session include:

  • Dr. Ayi Syaeful Bahri (Plate Tectonic and Its System toward Volcanoes Beauty),
  • M. Haris Miftakhul Fajar, M.Eng, (Volcanic System),
  • Dr. Amien Widodo (Volcanoes, Civilization, Mitigation of Volcano Eruption Disaster in Indonesia),
  • Firman Syaifuddin, M.T., (Earthquake Doesn’t Kill, Tsunami and Liquifaction Do),
  • Juan Pandu Gya Nur Rochman, M.T. (Geoheritage in Mount Penanggungan, Indonesia),
  • Mariyanto, M.T. (Geothermal Utilization in Indonesia),
  • Wien Lestari, M.T. (Geophysics methods for geothermal exploration in Indonesia),
  • Nita Ariyanti, M.Eng. (Indonesia Geopark)



Not only lecturers, this Sub Course also invites industry practitioners to provide insight into the relationship between volcanoes and the industrial world. Some of the invited speakers are:

  • Dr. Alwi Husein (Pusat Pengendalian Lumpur Sidoarjo)
  • Febry Rohman Firdaus (Halliburton)


The Sub Course participants who came from various countries including Japan, Malaysia, Bangladesh, the Philippines, China were not only given material, but were also given a final project in the form of designing a global geosite campaign poster. In addition to designing posters, participants also made presentations about their chosen geosite on the final day of the Sub Course.


The last day of the Sub Course is filled with the presentation of the final project, as well as an assessment of the performance of the participants. Various awards given include Best Participant, Best Group, Best Performance, Best Poster, and Best Presentation.


With the success of this international event, the Sub Course Coordinator, Lecturer of Geophysics Engineering Mariyanto, MT, and Assistant Coordinator, Geophysical Engineering Staff Dihein Reksa Ikmaluhakim, thanked the ITS Global Partnership Directorate as an organizing partner, and the participants of Commtech 2021, Sub Course G: Ring of Fire-Wonderful Indonesia from various universities in various parts of the world.



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