
Disaster Education for Students of An Najm Learning Center, Jombang

Mon, 09 Jan 2023
5:39 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Thursday 5 January 2022 Geophysics Engineering guests arrived from An Najm Learning Park, Jombang. The visit of these students is to get education about disaster.

Students of An Najm Jombang Learning Center got disaster learning session


The event was opened by welcoming the Head of Department, Dr. Dwa Desa Warnana was then followed by a material session on disaster which was delivered by the ITS Geophysics Engineering lecturer. Not only getting disaster lessons guided by Ir. Juan Pandu Gya Nur Rochman, M.T. , students are also invited to do an evacuation simulation when an earthquake occurs. After learning about evacuation, the event continued with an introductory session on the Disaster Management Education Car (MOSIPENA) by the East Java BPBD.


MOSIPENA, which was brought in by BPBD East Java, became the center of attention of the students of An Najm Jombang Learning Center

Disaster education games were the highlight of this event, where students were invited to play Snakes and Ladders on Climate Change guided by Tunas Hijau, and to play a volcano eruption simulation hosted by ITS Geophysics Engineering students. While playing games, teachers and parents were taken to a socialization session on dealing with disasters guided by the Indonesian Tangguh Community.

Students of An Najm Jombang Learning Center play climate change snakes and ladders game

The event was closed by exchanging souvenirs between ITS Geophysics Engineering and An Najm Learning Park. We hope that holding this event will bring benefits to students, teachers and guardians of the students at An Najm Jombang Learning Center.


Exchange of souvenirs between the Secretary of the ITS Geophysics Engineering Department and representatives from An Najm Jombang Learning School

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