
Deepen Your Petrophysical Knowledge with Senior Petrophysicists Through Petrophysics Training

Thu, 04 May 2023
12:21 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

ITS Geophysics Engineering opens opportunities for students throughout the archipelago, to join training programs to deepen their knowledge in the field of Petrophysics.

By attending this training, you will gain insight from senior petrophysics practitioners from Tecrube:

👤 Miftahul Firdaus, ST, MSi, MT
👤 Budi Rahim Permana, ST, MT, MSi, MM
👤 Yana Hendrayana, SSi

In addition to getting valuable material from the speakers, you will get an e-certificate of program completion.

So, register yourself before May 19, via through


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