
Guest Lecture “Eksplorasi Logam Tanah Jarang” Inviting Badan Geologi KESDM

Thu, 09 Mar 2023
10:09 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Rare earth metals (LTJ) are used in a wide range of consumer products from iPhones to electric cars, military jet engines, satellites and lasers. Some REEs are used in military equipment such as jet engines, missile guidance systems, anti-missile defense systems, satellites and lasers. Lanthanum, for example, is needed to manufacture night vision devices or nightvision goggles. LTJ is also categorized as an energy reserve. LTJ is considered as an important material in the future. The new renewable energy development policy and its components are highly dependent on LTJ, such as PV, windmills, magnets, batteries etc. Rare earth metals (LTJ), are currently a strategic commodity.

The United States and other industrialized countries are starting to worry that China could use its dominant position as a supplier of rare earths. This is an opportunity for us to immediately conduct exploration and exploitation of rare earths so that we can play a role in the growth of the rare earths industry in the world.

The Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (LTJ) conducted a survey and mapping of rare earth metal (LTJ) potential in Indonesia and stated that there were 28 locations that had been identified as having LTJ potential. Sumatra Island is the location with the most potential LTJ with 16 points, followed by Kalimantan with 7 points, Sulawesi with 3 and finally Java with 2 potential points. The Geological Agency also revealed that the Sidoarjo mud, East Java, was also identified as having the potential to contain rare earths.

The mission of ITS is to contribute to science and technology for the welfare of society through education, research, community service and management activities based on information and communication technology. For this reason, every ITS academic community must know about LTJ, especially since there is a source of LTJ in Sidoarjo mud.

ITS Geophysical Engineering held a Webinar “The Eruption of Mount Kelud and the Civilizations Around It” by inviting resource persons:

  • Agata Vanessa Kindangen (Geologist Pusat Sumber Daya Mineral Batubara dan Panas Bumi KESDM)

As Moderator:

  • Marsya Fani (Mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS)

As Host:

  • Dr. Amien Widodo (Teknik Geofisika ITS)

Lets join the event on:


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