Head of Research Team : Dr. Rudy Dikairono, S.T., M.T., M.Sc.
Developer Partners :
User Partners :
Description :
The Intelligent Car (iCar) is an electric-powered vehicle with the capability for autonomous control without a driver. The iCar operates using a combination of technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). The iCar’s control system consists of numerous complex subsystems that enable it to operate autonomously. It can interpret environmental conditions by combining data from sensors. Sensor fusion algorithms are designed to complement each sensor’s data. The iCar’s software is crafted in a way that allows it to operate safely and automatically. As one of the safety features, the iCar will come to a stop if the algorithm detects anomalies in the system.
Innovative Features:
Head of Research Team : Dr. Rudy Dikairono, S.T., M.T., M.Sc. Developer Partners : CV Sarana Teknik CV
Head of Research Team : Dr Ir Achmad Affandi DEA Developer Partners : PT ITS Tekno Sains PT
Head of Research Team : Dr. I Ketut Eddy Purnama, S.T., M.T. Developer and Marketing Partners : PT