

In accordance with the ITK OTK the responsibility in managing the department is in the hands of the Head of the Department assisted by the Secretary of the Department. The Head of Department is responsible for leading the department to realize the vision and mission of the Department which is also a reflection of the vision and mission of the Faculty and ITS. To realize the vision and mission, the Head of the Department mobilizes and mobilizes all elements, both lecturers, education staff, and students. The basic step taken is to formulate the organizational structure of the department according to the ITS OTK, formulate a structured work program from the vision and mission, establish clear division of tasks for each unit based on the established work program, formulate budgeting, carry out monitoring and evaluation, and formulate administrative responsibilities and finance to the leadership in this case the dean and rector.

Head of Department: Dr. Cahyono Susetyo, M.Sc

Secretary of the Department: Ema Umilia, ST., MT.

General Subdivision Head: M. Arief Boedilaksono, S.Si


  • Chair of the Spatial Planning Computing and Analysis Laboratory: Siti Nurlaela, ST.,M.COM, PhD
  • Chair of the Regional, Coastal and Environmental Development Laboratory: Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Santoso, Lic.Rer.Reg
  • Chair of the City Planning and Design Laboratory: Ir. Putu Rudy Satiawan, M.Sc

Organization Structure

Organization Structure for Staff Non Academic