HEOS Trash Wiper

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HEOS Trash Wiper

A robot “HEOS Trash Wiper” is used to pick up the rubbish on the river. The main function of this robot is to create a clean river from overfilled rubbish. HEOS Trash Wiper is equipped by the remote control, surveillance camera, sensor, and filter. By using the remote control, the user can automatically monitor the work of this robot; the surveillance camera is to see the situasion when the robot is working; the sensor and filter are to to highly separate any things which are not categorized as rubbish. By those equipments avilable, HEOS Trash Wiper is highly recommended as an efficient thing to use. For further step, In the future, we hope that we can collaborate with the government and institute for the real existent of This HEOS Trash Wiper.