Greeting from Head of Department

Dr. oec. HSG. Syarifa Hanoum, S.T., M.T.

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Welcome to the Department of Business Management (MB@ITS) !!

Today’s competitive dynamic environment and increased globalization, particularly characterized by rapid technological changes in industry 4.0, has swept away the traditional way of doing business. Such circumstances require flexible strategic solutions, such as disruptive and sustaining innovation, rapid technology transfer, and smart human resources 4.0.

As an institute of technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has the vision to contribute to the nation’s economy through technology-based business development, through its Department of Business Management, Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (MB@ITS).

MB@ITS aims to prepare graduates to pursue careers in the business world as entrepreneurs or as business professionals with the spirit and spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. The Undergraduate of Business Management is designed to provide skills and knowledge that are important in managing the business in today’s era of technology-based competition. We offer two undergraduate programs: Regular S1 (using bilingual Indonesian and English) and International Undergraduate Programme – IUP (using full English) as the language of instructions.

We use Problem Based Learning & Lab-Based Education approaches to provide unique experiences for students to deal with real conditions in running a business and making critical decisions, through a combination of conventional classroom-based lectures, tutorials, field practices, internships, project-based learning, and case studies to equip students with theories, concepts, techniques, to solve real problems, In addition, students are equipped with business communication and leadership skills to prepare them to be on top in business and society.

In 2020, MB@ITS launched the special International Undergraduate Programme (IUP) where students have borderless opportunities to learn business and management while taking their English proficiency to an advanced level, through Joint-Degree IUP with some of our university partners. At the moment, we offer seven Double-Degree programs with The University of Queensland, Australia, Rennes School of Business, France, Vives University of Applied Sciences, Belgium, ESSCA School of Management, Asia University, Taiwan, Kedge School of Business France, and Saxion University of Netherlands.


On top of these five universities as our Joint-Degree partners, we have quite a long list of university partners where students can go for student exchange programs or undertaking short courses.

In the same year of 2020, MB@ITS also launched another special program the so-called “MB KAMPUS MERDEKA”, for all regular and IUP students. This is a non-conventional way of learning, where students are encouraged to go beyond MB@ITS Campus to pursue: Internship, business mentoring/incubation, semester abroad, international internship, and so forth, and then back to MB@ITS to claim their credit transfer.

We welcome potential students, educators and researchers to partner with our department to develop any endeavours in developing high-quality curricula in business and management related education, training, and research. As the Head of Department, I invite you to explore your future with us. Don’t hesitate to contact me should I be of some support to you.


Yours sincerely,

Dr. oec. HSG Syarifa Hanoum, S.T., M.T.
