
See You Soon Online 2020

Fri, 19 Jun 2020
1:11 pm
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See You Soon Online is a program held by ITS Global Engagement to welcome foreign students who will soon complete their studies at ITS. This program’s purpose is to remind foreign students all their experience of the culture and atmosphere in Surabaya during their study.

On this occasion, the annual See You Soon event was held online because of the constraints developed by the current pandemic, so we held this event to give them a warm farewell as well as to embrace them as alumni.

The See You Soon Online event is conducted via Zoom Meeting on June 12 2020, at 18:30 WIB. On this opportunity, See You Soon was carried out with a different concept and theme compared to previous events, namely “Togetherness During the Pandemic”. Foreign students were invited to attend the meeting via Zoom where we organized games and commemorate their activities whilst at ITS.

The majority of participants were forced to return to their home countries ahead of this farewell because of this crisis. There were also some participants who were still residing in Indonesia and have not been able to return home. With the given circumstances, ITS Global Engagement invited the foreign students to take part in See You Soon with the purpose of entertainment and enthusiasm during this difficult situation, and also to encourage each other despite all the variety.

Precisely at 18:30 WIB, participants were invited to enter the Zoom Meeting, and then the event was officially opened by the MCs, Melissa and OK, at 18:45 WIB. Followed by a heartwarming speech from Ms. Maria who asked foreign students to reminisce their time at ITS.

To excite the mood, the event continued with a video performance from the Hospitality of ITS GE who sang the song “Heal The World” in accordance with the current situation. After that we enjoyed several games which were Guess the Picture, Guess the Song, and Karaoke Games that were prescribed with several memories of ITS.

Before starting the sharing session, Mas Khoirul, who has been the connecting bridge for Foreign Students and ITS, gave few warm remarks to trigger the participants’ mood. From then on, the atmosphere began being cloudy and warm. Some participants took turns sharing their personal experiences and gratitude. As well as some members of the Hospitality of ITS GE gave some remarks on the time they have spent together.

Then entered the peak of the event, which was airing of a Short Movie with clips of their activities on ITS ranging from O Week to City Tour, and it was closed with clips of foreign student’s impression regarding ITS. This marks the end of our See You Soon event, followed with the announcement of the winners, the most active participant, then photo session, and lastly a closing session from the MC.

Even though the event ended on Friday, we hope that the participants will still nurture a good relationship with ITS Global Engagement for future visits to Indonesia, as well as following future programs.

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