
Orientation Week for International Students 2020

Thu, 18 Jun 2020
8:54 pm
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Orientation Week or O-Week is an orientation event for ITS new international students which was held by ITS Global Engagement (ITS GE). O-Week of even semester 2019/2020 was held for 3 days, coincides with the beginning of the college, which was 3 – 5 February 2020.



This event was attended by 24 new international students of ITS for the even semester period. The students were participants in Exchange, Lab-based Internships, and Full-degree programs that came from the Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, and Libya. O-week was held in purpose to introduce ITS as well as Surabaya. Within three days, participants were given a presentation about the introduction of ITS, from academic regulations, facilities, information systems, to extracurricular activities. There was also an explanation about immigration matters for their guidelines during their studies in Indonesia. Culture in Indonesia, especially Surabaya, the introduction of volunteers who later will become their buddies, as well as international students’ activities calendar were also presented at O-Week.



The participants enthusiastically followed the course of the event. This was shown at the event’s opening, during the performance of Rebana team from ITS. International students, most of whom have never seen a Rebana performance, looked amazed when they watched it live. Participants were also enthusiastic when touring the library and looking at the existing facilities. On the ice-breaking session agenda, participants seemed happy and actively participated in the games that had been prepared by the committee.


Participants playing games together on the Orientation Week.


Participants watching the performance held by UKM Rebana.


Many questions were asked by the participants during Orientation Week. Especially, on the international students’ activities session. Participants also gave many inputs that were then used by ITS GE to improve international student programs moving forward

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