Assistance from local governments will be helpful in the development of Small and micro enterprises based business in the areas of destination.
NGO or Non-Government Organization which is an organization or group, activities outside the political structure. NGO refers to the international organization and SDGs ITS is open the opportunities for cooperation with NGOs, which is also the main principle of the NGO is to be interested in others and voluntary.
The ILO is a national labor organization or a medium that accommodates the issue of international labor under the UN. Working with ILO as partners in the Workshop Employment Diagnostic Analysis (EDA) Employment Program planning. The objectives of this activity are the planners and the stakeholders of each district/city.
UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. UNESCO itself is an international organization under the UN that deals with all matters relating to education, science, and culture to increase mutual respect based on fairness, rule of law, and human rights.
Polytechnic of Tourism is a tourism university that is in the auspices of the Ministry Of Tourism. Cooking training can join the PPolytechnic of Tourism to get direct insight from the experts and Polytechnic of Tourism has a tool that can be used in cooking training.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the organization, especially the company is to have various forms of responsibility to all its stakeholders in all operational aspects of the company that covers economic, social, and environmental aspects. Therefore, CSR is closely related to “sustainable development”.