On Friday, October 08, 2021, the Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PDPM) ITS visited the Tuban Regency Bappeda to conduct a FGD for the Preparation of the 2020 Gini Ratio Evaluation for Tuban Regency. In this activity, PDPM was represented by Mr. Dr. Sutikno, M.Sc., Imam Safawi Ahmad, S.Si., M.Sc., Yoga Prastya Irfandi, M.Stat., and Nur Suci Romadhloni, SM. Meanwhile, from the government of Tuban Regency, it was attended by Mrs. Umi and Mr. Danang from Bappeda Tuban, Head of BAPPEDA of Tuban Regency, Head of Cooperatives, Industry and Trade Office, Kab. Tuban, Head of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports Kab. Tuban, Head of the Modai Planting Service, One Stop Service and District Manpower, Tuban, Head of the Population and Civil Registration Office of the Regency. Tuban, Head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Security Kab. Tuban, Head of the Village and Community Empowerment Service and KB Kab. Tuban, Head of the Department of Social Affairs, Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Kab. Tuban, Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics Kab. Tuban, Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Section of the Regional Secretariat of the Regency, Tuban, Head of the Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development at the Regency Bappeda. Tuban, Head of Economy, Human Resources, Infrastructure and Regional Affairs at the District Bappeda, Tuban, Head of Government and Human Development at the District Bappeda. Tuban, Head of Research and Development at Bappeda Kab. Tuban.
aThis FGD activity discussed the results of the analysis carried out by the ITS PDPM team regarding developments over time, developments between regions, and the Gini Ratio condition in Tuban Regency in 2020. In addition, the PDPM-ITS team also provided advice regarding strategic directions and policy programs to reduce gaps in Tuban Regency, which can be used as input to determine the Tuban Regency RPJMD target in the next 5 years. This discussion resulted in a mapping of the potential of each region that can be optimized to improve the economy in both urban and rural areas in Tuban Regency. With increased activity in both urban and rural areas, it is hoped that this will reduce the gap between the two.
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On Wednesday, February 3, 2022, the Financial and Regional Revenue Management Agency (BPKAD) of Mojokerto City visited PDPM ITS