Wednesday 6 January 2021, the Center for Study of Blood Potential and Community Empowerment (PDPM)-ITS Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) carried out an evaluation of the implementation of the UN Update Activities in Balongbendo District, Sidoarjo Regency in 2020. This evaluation was attended by Dr. Sutikno, Head of Puska PDPM, Sugiharto PDPM staff, Dimas Sarwo Edy, supervisor of PBB updating, Heru Edi Susanto, Head of Development and Data Collection for the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD) Sidoarjo.
Dr. Sutikno conveyed that the UN Update for Balongbendo Sub-district had been completed. In accordance with the commitment, ITS will assist BPPD Sidoarjo in completing data and map input. ITS hopes, the results of updating the PBB in Balongbendo District are few residents who complain to BPPD Sidoarjo. This shows an indicator that the updating of PBB in Balongbendo District is valid and reliable. The activity of updating PBB data in Balongbendo Sub-district goes through 5 stages. Namely socialization, UN survey/data collection, UN validation, UN data input and map input. The updating of PBB data in Balongbendo District involved 3 Experts, 33 surveyors, 1 supervisor, 5 validators, 3 map inputs. This activity was carried out for 3 months. The socialization activity was carried out in February 2020. The UN survey/data collection was carried out in March to July 2020. The survey activity was temporarily suspended when the PSBB in Sidoarjo Regency was at the end of March – June 2020. Until now ITS has helped BPPD Sidoarjo carry out the UN update in 3 Districts . Namely Waru, Taman and Balongbendo Districts. Of the 18 sub-districts in Sidoarjo, 7 sub-districts have updated their PBB data.
Heru Edi Susanto, Head of Development and Data Collection of BPPD Sidoarjo, conveyed that the report on the UN Update for Balongbendo Subdistrict had been received by BPPD Sidoarjo. BPPD has also submitted a report to the Council on the results of the UN Update for Balongbendo District. The report that BPPD Sidoarjo submitted is the projection and estimate of UN revenue for 2021 as a result of updating the UN data for 2020. For 2021, the UN Update activity will be carried out in June 2021. The sub-district that will be updated is Prambon District.
Dr. Sutikno expressed his gratitude for the trust of BPPD Sidoarjo in the UN Update activity of Balongbendo District, Sidoarjo Regency in 2020. Hopefully this activity will be useful for the community and BPPD Sidoarjo. This activity is also expected to improve the PBB database system and PBB governance at BPPD Sidoarjo.
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