UMDESAIN stands for Design Entrance Exam

How is UMDESAIN Implemented?

At UMDESAIN, applicants take a mandatory test package, namely:
– TPA (registrants work on questions directly on the computer)
– Drawing Exam The UTBK scores for both Science and Technology and Social Sciences can be included and only considered if the score achieved exceeds the TPA score. If the UTBK value is below the TPA value then that value is not taken into account

Note: If registrants only choose Study Program
Design at ITS, so you don’t have to take an exam
TKD Saintek or TKD Soshum

Drawing Questions

  • Regarding NARRATIVE images,
    with black and white technique (theme is determined)
  • The drawing is made on white A3 paper (297 x 420 mm) using a black pencil (can be of various types; F, H, B, 2B, 3B, and so on).
  • The entire image area is filled
  • Time : 180 minutes

Why is there UMDESAIN?

This Design Entrance Exam is specifically to accommodate prospective students who are creative and have an interest in design, who may have experienced obstacles in entering the Design study program at ITS because:
– have a Non-Science background in high school, or
– have problems taking the Science and Technology / Social Sciences tests at UTBK

What are the UMDESAIN materials?

Academic Potential Test

  • Academic potential test measures verbal, quantitative, logical and spatial abilities
  • Exam time: 90 minutes
  • Question type: Choice (multiple choice)

Who can take part in UMDESAIN?

Can be taken by Senior High School or Vocational High School graduates and equivalent majors in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
The test is carried out offline