
Nogogeni is ready to compete in KMHE 2018

Fri, 16 Nov 2018
3:20 pm
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Through the Launching of the ITS Team Vehicle Development Project, Thursday, November 15, 2018, Secretary of the Department of Mechanical Industry Engineering (DTMI), Dedy Zulhidayat Noor gave his remarks, he explained that DTMI cars, Nogogeni V and Nogogeni Evo V, joined the Energy Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) 2018, which will be held in Padang, West Sumatra on November 27 to December 1, 2018. This competition is an event organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) on a national scale.


addition, Dedy also explained that the existence of the Nogogeni Team was to support the development of students both from technical and non-technical aspects. Constraints on limited facilities can be overcome by cooperation from various parties, especially the use of laboratory facilities. “Thank you for all the support that has been given both in terms of financial, accommodation, and prayer for the success of this team,” he said.

Whereas in the next speech, Dr. Darmaji as Director of Student Affairs said, if these three teams already have big names with a series of achievements both at national and international levels. The team members who work behind it are also very professional because they are able to balance the theory of lessons that have been obtained in the class by applying it directly. Especially in the development of the car itself. “There are aspects of cooperation, communication, and discussion that can be applied during the process,” he said.

He added the moment of the release of the three teams of ITS energy-efficient cars in the KMHE 2018 event was still in the atmosphere of the 58th ITS Anniversary celebration. Hopefully, these three teams could give the most beautiful gifts for ITS by winning each race category. (dee_ea)


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