
ITS Printing Innovator in Biomedical Science and Technology

Thu, 25 Oct 2018
2:05 pm
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Oleh : tbiomedikadmin   |

Biomedical Engineering is the study of engineering principles applied in biology and medicine for the purpose of health services. The ITS Biomedical Engineering Department was formed to produce future generations who have strong analytical and synthesis capabilities in the fields of biomedical instrumentation, biomedical signal processing, biomechanics, biomedical control, and biomaterials. With this capability, ITS Biomedical Engineering graduates are expected to be able to meet the challenges of the world of work in the field of medical equipment design, signal processing and medical imagery, clinical engineering, medical rehabilitation, and assistance technology for individuals with special needs.

Department of Biomedical Engineering is appointed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to become a center of excellence in biomedical research in Indonesia with ITB, UGM, and UI. Thus, this department has superior teaching staff who are competent in their fields, consisting of 11 lecturers. One lecturer holds a professor’s title, two lecturers hold doctorates, and the rest hold master’s degrees. Some of them are award-winning professors and experienced in government and industry. The lecturers also actively conduct research, which focuses on the mechanisms of computation, communication and control systems on biological systems, and their applications in the fields of biology, electronics and mechanics.

Biomedical Engineering is one of the departments with the most stringent entry competition in ITS. Every year, this department only receives 3 percent of registrants. Biomedical Engineering students also have superior qualifications. With the education they receive, students are challenged to solve health problems in the country, such as creating artificial organs and assistive devices for people with disabilities.

Although relatively new, the Department of Biomedical Engineering has promising job prospects. As a developing country, Indonesia needs more experts in the field of health science and technology. Some agencies that can become career opportunities for Biomedical Engineering graduates are hospitals, health laboratories, government agencies, pharmaceutical or pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, software developers for health, and teaching staff at universities.

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