Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals


“Over 10% of the world’s population live in extreme poverty, unable to fulfill the most basic needs such as food, health, education, access to clean water and sanitation. Universities need to be able to demonstrate how they are helping to address this problem through their work.”
(THE Impact Rankings)

University Anti-Poverty Programs

KIP-College Scholarship (Beasiswa Kartu Indonesia Pintar)


As one of the contributors of anti-poverty programmes in university scope, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) acknowledges KIP as one of the facilities for the students who fall into the bottom 20% of the household income group. KIP-College Scholarships apply to all study programs at ITS, except Joint Degree study programs and the International Class Undergraduate Program (IUP). The provisions apply to KIP-College Scholarship applicants in implementing the 2023 Achievement Path Independent Selection at ITS. Applicant students from economically disadvantaged families can apply for KIP-College tuition assistance.

Higher Education Scholarship (Beasiswa ADIK)


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has worked with the Ministry of Research and Higher Education (Kemrisetdikti) for over ten years to accept students from disadvantaged areas through ADIK scholarship expressly. The ADIK scholarship is specifically for prospective students from Papua, West Papua, and frontier, outermost, underdeveloped (3T) areas. Scholarship selection for the 3T area will be conducted after the SNBT/SBMPTN with a quota of 20-30 students each year. The ADIK scholarship registration procedure can be accessed at

Source: ADIK Scholarship Webpage

BIDIKMISI Scholarship (Beasiswa BIDIKMISI)


BIDIKMISI is educational funding support for prospective students who are economically disadvantaged and have good academic potential to study at tertiary institutions in superior study programs until they graduate on time. This program runs under the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs and accepts students from various levels of education. As a state university, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is mandated by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) to provide BIDIKMISI scholarships to its students. More than 1,000 ITS students are recipients of the BIDIKMISI scholarship.

Pembangunan Jaya Scholarship


Pembangunan Jaya Scholarship is intended for outstanding students at selected universities in Indonesia. This scholarship is available to outstanding students at selected universities, including the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). This program provides 6 million rupiah for students selected as scholarship recipients.

ITS Provides Dormitory for Students from Underprivileged Family


ITS, as an institution, continues to strive to improve services for students, especially for students who need or come from underprivileged families. Hence, ITS provides a new dormitory for students who come from underprivileged families. The program is specially dedicated to students who are from low-income families, especially Bidikmisi students. The building of the student flats is one part of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and ITS joint-work program.




Supports for Suhoor and Iftar on Ramadan in ITS


Throughout the holy month of Ramadan, Jamaah of Masjid Manarul Ilmi ITS held an event for Muslims to have their Suhoor or Iftar in the Masjid for free. With this, the students can focus more on their studies and other prayers. This event is one of the ways to provide services for ITS students, especially for those who are Muslims and come from low-income families.


Scholarships for ITS Students


ITS offers a website that gathers available scholarships for students who fall into the bottom 20% of the household income group to those who excel academically to support student’s academic progress. Various scholarships are available with their respective criteria provided by the government, the private sector, and even ITS. Therefore, students can choose a scholarship that suits their conditions.


ITS’ Endowment Fund


This website shows how ITS transparently manages its Endowment Fund from the contributors for the welfare of ITS’ students. The results of the ITS Endowment Fund management are used for scholarships and international competitions, coaching start-up capital, community service, infrastructure, research, innovation, and acceleration of professors. However, what is currently realized is only scholarships.

KNB Scholarship


Kemitraan Negara Berkembang Scholarship, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, is a financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to prospective international students coming from developing countries to pursue their master’s degree in one of the Indonesian universities. The scholarship was conceived at the 10th Conference of Heads of States of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) countries, 1 –6 September 1992. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia began to offer the scholarship to potenal students from NAM member countries in the following year.


AUN KNB Scholarship


ASEAN University Network (AUN) &  KNB (Kemitraan Negara Berkembang), AUN-KNB, are collaborating this year to provide a Master’s Degree scholarship at ITS for 2 years period. Since 2017, the program has been offered to Master’s Degree candidates from developing countries among AUN members. All academic programs (lectures and thesis) will be conducted in the English Language.

Community Anti-Poverty Programs

ITS’ Incubator


ITS’ Incubator aims to increase the number of successful technology-based businesses so that they become the backbone of innovation, technological independence, and an independent economy in Indonesia. Moreover, ITS’ Incubator strives to become a leading Technology Business Incubator among Universities and a centre for the development of Technology Innovation-based entrepreneurship in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.



Pitching Day Challenges ITS Startups to Compete for Investment Funds


In the TDC Summit Fest series, the Technopreneurship Development Center (TDC) student activity unit held a Pitching Day for the best teams assisted by the incubator to develop their businesses by winning financial assistance. This activity challenges startup company teams to make direct presentations with several potential investors to compete for grant funds for investment.


ITS’ Incubator


ITS’ Incubator aims to increase the number of successful technology-based businesses so that they become the backbone of innovation, technological independence, and an independent economy in Indonesia. Moreover, ITS’ Incubator strives to become a leading Technology Business Incubator among Universities and a centre for the development of Technology Innovation-based entrepreneurship in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.



Pitching Day Challenges ITS Startups to Compete for Investment Funds


In the TDC Summit Fest series, the Technopreneurship Development Center (TDC) student activity unit held a Pitching Day for the best teams assisted by the incubator to develop their businesses by winning financial assistance. This activity challenges startup company teams to make direct presentations with several potential investors to compete for grant funds for investment.


ITS Students Reduce Stunting Risk in Pacitan Regency


The location of KKN Desa Emas in Pacitan Regency is in 10 villages, Bandar Village, Petung Sinarang Village, Kasihan Village, Ploso Village, Nawangan Village, Pakis Baru Village, Penggung Village, Sempu Village, Sudimoro Village and Kalikuning Village. ITS and STKIP students carry out KKN for two weeks. ITS students’ Golden Village KKN activities are coordinated by the ITS Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM). This activity is in line with the community service roadmap of the ITS PDPM Study Center, namely community empowerment. This activity is also following the sustainable development goals (SDGs), namely goal number (1) eradicate poverty, (2) end hunger, (3) good health and well-being, (5) gender equality and goal number (6) access to clean water and sanitation so that the manufacture of clean water facilities prototypes is expected to be able to provide access to the community in Pacitan which will have a domino effect on reducing the prevalence of stunting.

ITS Abmas Team Trains Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Community Service (Abmas) Team continues to show its concern for various problems faced by the community by helping to provide appropriate solutions. This time, one of the ITS Abmas teams showed their dedication by providing training on the maintenance and upkeep of Waste Water Treatment Plants (IPAL) to domestic wastewater managers in Tuban, East Java. This training surely improves the locals so they can access basic service easily, which is water for standard living in this case.



PLH Siklus ITS Teaches How to Conserve Water Resources


Pecinta Lingkungan Hidup (PLH) Siklus Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) held water conservation training entitled Water Resource Training (WARNING). The training was held as an effort to prevent damage and maintain water resources through conservation efforts. Not only presenting material, this seminar also teaches participants to practice directly on how to detect water quality. Biotilics or biomonitoring is a method used to monitor river health using macroinvertebrate indicators (invertebrates). The results of this method will indicate environmental disturbances in the river ecosystem so that the necessary mitigation efforts can be formulated.


KKN Abmas ITS Helps Tuban Government Alleviate Poverty


Tuban Regency is one of the top five regencies with the highest poverty rate in East Java Province. Departing from this problem, the Real Work Lecture (KKN) Community Service (Abmas) team of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) carried out a program to strengthen the capacity of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) to alleviate poverty in Tuban Regency. This KKN is divided into three meetings. At the first and second meetings, the ITS Abmas KKN team invited five and six Tuban OPDs to present the programs each OPD had prepared for poverty alleviation and increasing the Human Development Index (HDI) in Tuban. After describing the shortcomings of each agency, the ITS lecturer team provided opinions, criticisms, and suggestions for each program that each OPD had prepared in the form of a two-way discussion. In the third meeting, the ITS lecturer team delivered the results of their discussion by dividing the programs prepared by each OPD into two main strategies for handling poverty and increasing HDI, namely in terms of economic improvement and social security. These two things will compile and divide the programs that have been prepared for the capacity of each OPD.

Overcoming Poverty, Blora Regent Collaborates with ITS Surabaya


The Blora Regency Government collaborates with universities to support Blora’s development process to become more advanced. This time, it is the turn of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya. The MoU was signed by Blora Regent Arief Rohman and ITS Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari at the ITS Rectorate Building, Surabaya. This MoU will be translated into concrete forms, such as thematic student community services (KKN) or other research projects. ITS can help provide appropriate technology to support the acceleration of infrastructure development, tourism, and the MSME industry.

Source: Forkompim for Radar Kudus



Number of Students


Number Students Receiving Financial Aid


Proportion of Students Receiving Financial Aid

Sustainable Development Goals > SDG 1