Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

BIDIKMISI Scholarship

BIDIKMISI is educational funding support for prospective students who are economically disadvantaged and have good academic potential to study at tertiary institutions in superior study programs until they graduate on time. This program runs under the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs and accepts students from various levels of education.

As a state university, ITS is mandated by the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) to provide BIDIKMISI scholarships to its students. More than 1,000 ITS students are recipients of the BIDIKMISI scholarship.

The BIDIKMISI scholarship program at ITS is in the form of free UKT payments, and is entitled to receive Rp.650,000 per month. This program is intended for undergraduate and vocational students of various majors. Students who do not qualify or have yet to register for BIDIKMISI in the first year can apply for a replacement BIDIKMISI scholarship in the second year.


A committee is responsible for facilitating the needs of BIDIKMISI and KIP students in ITS, namely BIMITS. Stands for BIDIKMISI Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (BIMITS), the committee holds an annual event, BIMITS Aspiration, collaborating with the Department of Student Welfare (Kesma) to answer questions and concerns from scholarship recipient students.

Additionally, BIMITS has several social media that prospective students can easily access to find information and updates, including

Sustainable Development Goals > BIDIKMISI Scholarship (Beasiswa BIDIKMISI)