Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

QS Sustainability: Social Impact

How seriously do institutions take their role in creating a more equal, fair and just world? As well as environmental impact, the QS Sustainability Rankings also considers university impact around today’s biggest social issues.

The equality indicator rates institutions according to a number of factors, such as the percentage of female faculty and students, the accessibility of public equality, the diversity and inclusion policy, and the accessibility of disability support.

The knowledge exchange indicator evaluates universities’ tendency to collaborate with other organizations and institutions as well as their dedication to sharing information in partnership with institutions that receive less financial assistance.

Impact of education examines the university’s research on high-quality education, the impact of its graduates on the community and its academic standing in pertinent social issues, as well as how free students and academics are to conduct research without interference.

Based on how well-prepared students are for successful professions, the employability and opportunity indicator assigns each university a score for the employer reputation and a score for employment outcomes. Universities are also graded on their research into employment and economic development, as well as peace, justice, and strong institutions, as well as the unemployment rate in the nation in which they are located.

The last social effect measure, quality of life, is used to assess how committed a given institution is to overall wellness both inside and outside the university. We also take a look at studies being done, for instance, on the region’s air quality, campus health services, and quality of life.

Social Impact

ITS Rector’s Regulation No. 2 of 2017 on Staffing within the ITS Community


ITS has regulations concerning staffing within ITS, particularly regarding lecturers and educational staff. In Part Two: Employment, Article 8, states that employee recruitment is conducted based on the principles of non-discrimination, and openness, without differentiation based on ethnicity, religion, race, or class. It also emphasizes gender equality and justice principles, and recruitment is carried out following the organization’s needs. Additionally, in Chapter IX: Absence, Article 43 Points 1 and 2, employees are entitled to temporary absence as conditions necessitate.

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Regulation of ITS Rector No. 15 Year 2019 about Student Code of Ethics


ITS Surabaya has Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) policies. The Regulation of ITS Rector No. 15 Year 2019 about the Student Code of Ethics at ITS, In terms of student ethics in non-academic activities, students are obliged to behave as regulated in Section 7, point A, to uphold the norms that apply in society, which include legal norms, religious norms, and socio-cultural norms. Furthermore, in Section 13, points A and B, are written about student ethics towards fellow students to uphold human rights, mutual respect, and tolerance and lead civilized and dignified relationships.

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Regulation of ITS Rector No. 16 Year 2019 about the rights and responsibilities of ITS students


ITS also has regulations regarding the rights and responsibilities of ITS students, outlined in ITS Rector No. 16 Year 2019, Chapter V, Section 6, Points A to E. It states that the rights of ITS students include receiving the best possible academic activity services, obtaining the best general and academic administration services, enjoying academic freedom, protection for their intellectual property, as well as health services, and guaranteeing safety and security in the ITS environment by applicable regulations.

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Disability Support Office


The commitment of the Disability Support Office to fostering an environment that is welcoming to people of all backgrounds and identities within the community is one of the key reasons for the office’s importance. Every individual, regardless of their physical, cognitive, or sensory capabilities, should be afforded the same opportunities to gain access to education, employment, and participation in a wide range of activities. There is an effort being made by the office to eliminate obstacles and difficulties that could prevent people with disabilities from participating to their full potential. This will result in the creation of an environment that is more ranged and inclusive, which will be to the benefit of the entire community. In accordance with the General and Reformation Bureau, Integrated Service Units (Unit Layanan Terpadu) are responsible for providing services to people with disabilities. By providing handrails and restrooms that are accessible to people with disabilities, as well as allocating an Integrated Service Unit office in the first floor, ITS has demonstrated its dedication to assisting students and staff members who have disabilities on campus. This commitment is explained further in the attached PDF file and also on the website linked in the title of this article.




ITS and Al-Hafish Foundation Aid in Mental Disabilities Rehabilitation

ITS and Al-Hafish Foundation work together to develop comprehensive strategies and programs for effective collaboration. Through this collaborative effort, they aim to create a continuous chain of assistance, from the initial planning stages to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This partnership is dedicated to supporting the rehabilitation journey of individuals with mental disabilities, ensuring they receive the care, resources, and opportunities necessary for recovery and integration into society.

Facilities for People with Disabilities


In the last few years, higher education has shifted globally toward openness and equitable opportunity. Disability-friendly environments have been created in Indonesia, especially at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) in Surabaya. In recognition of these activities, ITS has created a variety of facilities and services to promote inclusion and make education accessible to all, regardless of physical ability. ITS Surabaya has improved people with disabilities infrastructure access. ramps across campus help mobility-impaired students navigate. Wheelchair-accessible walkways and places are added to classrooms, libraries, labs, and common areas. Restrooms and other vital utilities are equipped for PWDs, fostering independence and dignity. ITS Surabaya’s commitment to disability-accessible facilities and support services shows its commitment to inclusivity and equal education. The university meets regulatory standards by investing in accessible infrastructure, assistive technologies, and awareness activities. It creates an inclusive environment where students of all abilities can succeed academically and socially.

ITS Trains Blind and Visual Impairment Student in Using Braille Embosser and Text Editor Software


Committed to help diffable children in Indonesia in the field of literacy, ITS through the Faculty of Electrical Engineering provided training with the theme Workshop on Using Braille Embosser and Text Editor Software for the Blind and Visual Impairment Student. The workshop is conducted with collaboration with the Motorola Solutions Foundation (MSF).

ITS Collaborate with Disabilities Community


ITS helps the Mata Hati Community to develop a website that is used by people with disabilities. The given features really helpful for disabilities stuff such as vision impairment, hearing impairment, cerebrum palsy, etc.

ITS Students Promote Disability-Friendly Building Design


With the rising issue of buildings being less friendly for people with disabilities. The Department of Architecture Lecture Project Team provided workshops related to the urgency of need for these buildings and how to apply them. This workshop was attended by students, the general public and people with disabilities. The results of this discussion showed that one of the issues that occurred was that people with disabilities were prevented from worshiping due to lack of physical support. So one real example regarding the implementation, is the construction of railings in mosque toilets to help people with disabilities to perform worship. In the future, this can be applied further and can reach more places so that people with disabilities can carry out activities more comfortably and safely.


ITS Provides Dormitory for Students


ITS as an institution continues to strive to improve services for students, especially for students who need or come from underprivileged families. Hence, ITS provides new dormitory for students who comes from underprivileged families. The program is specially dedicated for students who are from low-income family, especially Bidikmisi students. The building of the student flats is one part of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and ITS joint-work program.

Service Guidance for Students with Disabilities in University by the General Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia


The General Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, provides guidance to university students with disabilities. This aims to ensure that students with disabilities have access to the same opportunities and resources as their peers. By providing guidance and support, the General Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia, is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all students.

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Government Regulation Number 13 Year 2020


One of the strategies to reduce inequalities is to provide reasonable accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities including adequate funding. ITS refers and implement Government Regulation No. 13 year 2020 about Accommodation Policy for Diffable Students.

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Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.70 Year 2019 about People with Disabilities


The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.70 Year 2019, also known as the Law on People with Disabilities, aims to ensure the rights and welfare of people with disabilities in Indonesia. The law recognizes the rights of people with disabilities to education, employment, health, social welfare, and participation in social, cultural, and political life. It also lays out the responsibilities of the government and private sector to provide accessibility and accommodations for people with disabilities.

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Global Circular Economy Innovation Challenge


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) collaborates to create an event that can prepare and empower students as bright future generation with strong leadership skill, design analytical thinking, and communication skills. Through this program, participants will gain a better understanding and good practice in business, circular economy, and business model canvas. During this program participant are given group projects, visit to green industry, and cultural activities. This program is for ITS undergraduate students from any major joined teamed up with UTM students to solve the given study case.


ITS held the 2024 Forum Communication International 


By seeing that most ITS staff and students are still unaware towards the importance of go global and ITS dream to become a World Class University. For achieving that target ITS provides training towards all student organization, chapter, and extracurricular community available at ITS. By provide seminar and talk show about internationalization and Sustainable Development Goals. Later at the end of the event the most active student organization will receive a chances to join study excursion and cultural camp. This year FKI opening are held on 1st May while also bring the topic about Why we should go global and also Sustainable Development Goals.


SDGs for Youth Chapter 1 Mainstreaming SDGs


In order to enhance ITS staff and students awareness towards the Sustainable Development Goals, ITS International Office along with ITS SDGs Center provides seminar by inviting Director of Public Affairs, Communications and Sustainability Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) Indonesia and PNG Ms Lucia Karina to discuss about the whole 17 SDGs in general. Later on student organization and staff members can implement SDGs into their work programs.


ITS Organizes 1,000 Orphans’ Benefit


During the month of Ramadan, ITS’s mosque community and Alumnus Association organized a charity event for 920 orphans and 134 of those less fortunate. Taking place right at ITS’ very own Manarul Ilmi Mosque, the charity event displayed support to those who needed it in the form of financial support, toiletries, and meals to break their fast together. This event was conducted in hopes of fostering community engagement and bringing people closer especially during the holy month.

ITS provides a Smart PAUD Game with Hand Gesture Recognition


ITS lecturers and students have teamed up to develop an educational game for children’s development in the early stages of life. Receiving funding support, they were able to support early childhood education by taking advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) in augmented reality (AR). They have succeeded in developing a game that uses hand gesture recognition with a wide variety of subjects covered from mathematics to logical thinking. With the additional feature of different themes to choose from, students are able to enjoy learning even more which will later develop social cognitive skills in children.

ITS Develops Environmentally Friendly Ice Production Equipment


In the coastlines of Brinsang Village, Sumenep, East Java, the Power System Measurement and Identification Instrumentation Laboratory (LIPIST) from the Electrical Engineering Department’s research team has conducted one of their projects there with the focus of helping local villagers and fishermen to increase production and sales. The main problem fishermen had was the insufficiency of electricity in comparison to the amount needed for refrigerators to produce ice. Thus they have innovated an environmentally friendly device for ice production that utilizes the solar panels receiving a great amount of solar energy. In addition, they have also provided an educational space for the villagers and fishermen on the topic of digitalization for fishermen through e-commerce to increase product distribution.

Healthy and Affordable Food


ITS has realized the importance of health and nutritious food as part of students’ lifestyle to support academic achievement. Along with that, ITS has provided various dining options easily accessible to students with an affordable price range. Two of the most popular and centralized canteens are the Central Canteen and ITS Student Dormitory Cafeteria. The Central Canteen is conveniently located in the center of campus easily accessible for everyone serving from small bites to big meals and beverages. Students living in the on-campus dormitory are privileged with the Dormitory Cafeteria for quick meals and snacks close to their hallways.


Health-care Services


ITS has provided a medical center as a place to fulfill the health needs of students, lecturers, staff and the surrounding community. ITS Medical Center has seven essential services including the General Medical Unit for consultation and examinations, the Emergency Unit for urgent medical attention, the Dental Poly for dental care and health, the Maternal and Child Health, the Psychology Poly where patients are given mental support, a Pharmacy for medication and the Estetiderma for facial treatments and consultation.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Services


Focusing on the services provided by ITS Medical Center, the Maternal and Child Health Center (MCHCs) is a service that focuses on the health needs of women and children. The MCHCs manage multiple health programs that are specifically made for women’s and children’s needs including education and care. Offering routinely check-ups and screenings for gynecological, menstrual health, immunization, family planning and reproductive health.

Student Health Care Center


Student mental health has been on the rise and requires immediate attention. To address this, ITS and the ITS Parents Association (IKOMA), led by Dr. Ir. Wahid Wahyudi MT have established the Student Health Care Center (SHCC). It was revealed that over 50 students per month are in need of mental health support, however, this facility is open to all ITS personnel including lecturers and staff. Amongst all the students, it has also been revealed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari MEng that 70% of ITS students currently experience stress. SHCC’s services include a consultation space with psychologists.