Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals
July 27, 2023 03:07

ITS Canteen Provide Healty and Affordable Food

Oleh : itsinternational1 | | Source : -

The health of students is crucial in the demanding academic environment of today. Access to good and inexpensive food is one of the key cornerstones of their general health and academic achievement. With their demanding schedules, students need a healthy diet to power their bodies and minds. The significance of affordable, wholesome food cannot be stressed because it has a direct impact on students’ concentration levels, mental acuity, and physical well-being. ITS promote a healthy culture and provide every student a fair chance to excel academically and realize their full potential by providing students with access to healthy meals that are also affordable.

There are so many places to eat on our campus, two of them are the biggest ones, Central Canteen and ITS Student Dormitory Cafeteria. The central cafeteria is the cafeteria dining Center is one of ITS’s Student favorites. Adjacent to the tower, SCIENCES office, and ATM BNI, the Central cafeteria provides a great selection of food such as chicken soup, Nasi Padang, Geprek Chicken, rice, Sushi, Grilled Meatballs, Waffles, Gado-Gado, Penyetan, and many more. In addition to a variety of food booths, ITS central canteen also offers a variety of beverages ranging from packaging to fresh juices. With prices starting from Rp. 5000 for food and Rp. 3000 for drinks, the visitor of the center canteen can already fill the stomach in a cozy cafeteria. 

ITS Student Dormitory Cafeteria is one of the favorite places to eat for the ITS Student boarder which provides delicious food that can be easily reached by a border or users of ITS student dormitory halls. In the dormitory cafeteria there is available a wide range of foods such as penyetan, geprek, and Chicken Meatballs. There are also peddlers’ drinks, good instant drinks, or fresh fruit juice. With prices starting from Rp. 10000 for food and IDR 3000 for drinks, the students can already Scotch their stomachs without needing to go all the way out. The users of ITS student dormitory halls as well as the border can also comfortably dine at chairs and tables provided in the dormitory Hall area. In addition, wifi access is available that can be used by all the ITS academic community.





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