The concentration of research and studies carried out by the Laboratory is more focused on spatial modeling, risk and disaster management systems, and development of a modeling system, which among others helps in analyzing the planning process.
Cahyono Susetyo, ST, M.Sc, Ph.D
Siti Nurlaela, ST,M.COM, Ph.D
Hertiari Idajati, ST, M.Sc
Ketut Dewi Martha Erli Handayeni, ST, MT
Nursakti Adhi Pratomoatmojo, ST, M.Sc
Fendy Firmansyah. ST, MT
Ummi Fadlilah K, ST, MT, M.Sc
Anoraga Jatayu, S.T., M.Si.
Rivan Aji Wahyu Dyan Syafitri, S.PWK., M.Ars.
Development & Urban Design is one of the laboratories in the Department of Regional Planning & The city of ITS Surabaya which is a place for academic interaction, both lecturers and students who have interests and areas of expertise in city development & urban planning.
City Lab towards Lab-Based Education is supported by various activities related to teaching, research and community service to create a synergy of the three Tri Dharma College components in the Laboratory.
Ardy Maulidy Navastara, ST., MT.
Ir. Putu Rudy Satiawan, M.Sc
Putu Gde Ariastita, ST., MT.
Rulli Pratiwi Setiawan, ST, MSc, Ph.D
Dian Rahmawati, ST, MT
Dr. Prananda Navitas, ST., MSc.
Mochamad Yusuf, ST, M.Sc
Karina Pradinie Tucuan, ST, M.Eng
I Dewa Made Frendika Septanaya, ST, MT, MSc, Ph.D
Ilman Harun ST. M.Sc.
Regional, Coastal and Environmental Development Laboratory, is one of three laboratories in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning. The laboratory, which was originally called the regional development laboratory, was established in 2012.
Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Santoso, Lic.Rer.Reg
Prof. Adjie Pamungkas, ST, M.Dev.Plg, Ph.D
Arwi Yudhi Koswara, ST, MT
Ema Umilia, ST, MT
Surya Hadi Kusuma, ST, MT
Vely Kukinul Siswanto, ST, MT, M.Sc
Belinda Ulfa Aulia, ST, M.Sc
An Nisaa Siti Humaira, S.T, M.Sc