About Us

The Center for Fundamental Science Research (Puslit SF) was established in 2011 under the name Center for Science Studies (Pusdi), which is one of the Pusdi under the ITS Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). During the 2011-2015 Rectorate period, Pusdi Sains had introduced a learning concept for secondary schools in Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) under the name “STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)”. In the 2015 – 2019 Rectorate period, the Center for Science was merged with the Center for Materials and Nano Technology, becoming the Center for Science, Materials and Nano Technology. Along with the formation of the Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD), and in an effort to accommodate researchers at the “Fundamental” level, in 2020 a Fundamental Science Research Center was formed, whose members are researchers from all departments in ITS, with the majority coming from FSAD ITS.

Under the direction of Research and Community Service (DRPM) ITS, Puslit Sains Fundamental is involved in current scientific research in all areas of fundamental science, leading to the discovery of new knowledge and the creation of new perspectives on methods and materials. Based on these discoveries (inventions), further research is directed towards the creation of a prototype that has high commercial value, so that the research product of the Fundamental Science Research Center is an innovation that is included in the 2020-2024 National Research Priorities. Therefore, the research topics of Puslit Sains Fundamental are aligned with Indonesia’s current challenges and needs and highlight the potential of Indonesia’s resources, as explained by the Ministry of Research and Technology/Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency.

Puslit Sains Fundamental has member researchers from several departments in ITS, with the majority coming from all departments in FSAD ITS. The educational standards of researchers include Masters and Doctors with functional positions ranging from Expert Assistants to Professors with related scientific fields according to research topics.