Focus Fields

The ITS Fundamental Science Center is actively involved in current research in all areas of fundamental science, including Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences, Operation Research, Optimization; Exploration and Processing  of locally material resources; Active lithium ion battery material; Radar absorbing material;Composite ferrite-grapheme natural made from iron sand and bamboo; Utilization of Chitosan Natural Polymers as Energy Materials; Natural sand processing; Technology to make building materials with solid waste raw materials; Biodiesel and green diesel from various raw materials; Bioinformatics and bio health and food products based on natural resources with a focus on marine natural resources; independence of new technologies from medicinal raw materials; development and characterization of medical devices for radiology, radiotherapy, Electro Capacitive Cancer Treatment (ECCT), Ozone generators for health and agricultural applications; Quantum Teleportation and Field Theory.

Research is directed primarily at sustainability in the field of environment and resilience to climate change. leads to the discovery of new knowledge and the creation of new perspectives on methods and materials. Based on these discoveries (inventions), further research is directed towards the creation of a prototype that has high commercial value, so that research products from the Fundamental Science Research Center are nurturing innovative research.

Research can be multidisciplinary with areas of expertise from Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry, Biology, Actuarial, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geomatics Engineering, Geophysical Engineering, and other fields of science in accordance with competencies related to the research topic.