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June 06, 2020 01:06

New Model Of KKN In The Pandemic Situation, ITS Hire Volunteers

Oleh : adminits | | Source :
Novie Wahyu Dhanayani, Student of Departement of Urban and Regional Planning Department ITS (center) while providing the help of the hazmat clothes on Pokesdes Jatiprahu

Novie Wahyu Dhanayani, Student of Departement of Urban and Regional Planning Department ITS (center) while providing the help of the hazmat clothes on Pokesdes Jatiprahu

ITS Campus, ITS News – The number of academic activities on campus that have changed in some time is a form of prevention of the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. Not only the change of activities from offline to online, but the implementation of the Community Service Programme (KKN) at the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) also experienced adjustments by involving students who will become volunteer.

Head of the Subdirectorate of community service Lalu Muhamad Jaelani ST MSc Ph.D. explained the decision related to KKN was formed after convening a meeting between several campus representatives with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Region, and Transmigration (PDTT Kemendes), last April. “At the meeting, the campus was asked to participate actively in preventing and reducing the impact of Covid-19 in the village,” said lecturer who is familiarly called Lalu.

Responding to the results of the meeting, continued Lalu, ITS issued a circular related student activity as a program for KKN Covid-19. Students who belong to this program will be called volunteers. The duration of the program is minimal for two weeks for each student. “It has been listed as many as 37 villages that are now the location of the KKN,” he said.

Miftakhuddin Ilham Hidayat, a student of the Department of Ocean Engineering (left) when providing basic food assistance to residents in Deketwetan village, Lamongan Regency

Miftakhuddin Ilham Hidayat, a student of the Department of Ocean Engineering (left) when providing basic food assistance to residents in Deketwetan village, Lamongan Regency

Lalu explained that the implementation of the program refers to the circular letter of the PDTT of the Covid-19 response village and the village’s solid affirmation of cash (PKTD) as well as other activities such as economic empowerment. “Broadly, there are three activities taken by village volunteers that include preventive measures, handling, and economic empowerment, and social protection,” he explained.

In the precautionary measure, said Lalu, students are required to cooperate with the Task Force (Satgas) formed by the village. One form of activity that can be done is in the form of education through appropriate socialization by explaining the information related to the Covid-19. “The information can be a symptom, a way of transmission, or the prevention steps,” said this lecturer of the Departments of Geomatics Engineering.

To handle the activities, Lalu explains that every student should visit the Puskesmas or local health care service, record their needs, and report to ITS. Until now, there have been 30 health centers that benefit from volunteers of Covid-19 KKN. “The aid is in the form of shipping APD Hazmat suit from ITS to be handed to the Puskesmas where the volunteers are located,” he said.

Wiji Renisa Dwiningtyas, Student of Business Statistics Departement student (left), while providing basic food assistance to one of the residents in Sukodadi village, Lamongan

Wiji Renisa Dwiningtyas, Student of Business Statistics Departement student (left), while providing basic food assistance to one of the residents in Sukodadi village, Lamongan

Then, specifically related to economic management and empowerment, students will cooperate with small and medium enterprises (UKM) to produce the needs of personal protection equipment (APD) required by health personnel such as masks, Hazmat, face protectors, or other needs. “Until now, has distributed 3,000 masks to the community and 1,100 hazmats that have been sent to various regions,” said this lecturer from NTB.

According to Lalu, for social protection activities, ITS obliges every volunteer to search for two to three residents in each economically disadvantaged region. “Alhamdulillah, in Phase one ITS has channeled the package of groceries to 17 villages through the volunteer of this village,” he admitted.

Lalu explains that the KKN model is taken by considering two things. First, that is because most of the Indonesian people reside in the village. When the city or overseas residents go home, the village will become vulnerable to the spread of the Covid-19. “The presence of more knowledgeable community groups related to Covid-19 is indispensable as a companion in the face of the condition,” he explained.

The second consideration is that students who have been in their respective regions can take part in the community in the prevention and handling of direct or indirect impacts posed by Covid-19. “Through this new model, we hope that students can still make a real contribution with the risk of exposure to a minimal Covid-19 because of the lack of movement” says Lalu.

Yulian Farid Wahyudi, Business Statistics Department ITS student (right) while providing hazmat aid to Perak Puskesmas, Jombang

Yulian Farid Wahyudi, Business Statistics Department ITS student (right) while providing hazmat aid to Perak Puskesmas, Jombang

One of the students of the Business Statistics Department ITS, Yulian Farid Wahyudi, who joined the KKN program admitted to feeling very pleased that it can contribute to providing immediate assistance, in the middle of Covid-19 pandemic. “I hope this pandemic ends soon and for friends to keep the spirit to do good,” said the student from Semdude village, Jombang.. (ai/rev/ITS Public Relations)

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