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April 27, 2024 13:04

ITS Lecturer Wins 2024 Female Science Talents Intensive Tracks from Germany

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online

Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD, dosen Departemen Kimia ITS yang berhasil menjadi pemenang Female Science Talents 2024 oleh The Falling Walls Foundation, JermanSri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD, a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, ITS, has emerged as the winner of the 2024 Female Science Talents award by The Falling Walls Foundation, Germany.

ITS Campus, ITS News —Sri Fatmawati’s dedication to the development of research in natural material chemistry has once again earned her a prestigious international award. This time, the lecturer from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD) at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has been declared the winner in the Female Science Talents Intensive Tracks 2024 event.

The Female Science Talents Intensive Track itself is an award given by the German-based foundation, The Falling Walls Foundation, to 20 talented female doctoral graduates from around the world in various disciplines. Through this award, the winners are provided with career mentoring, the opportunity to participate in high-level events in Berlin, Germany, and the expansion of their international networks, thus enhancing their global recognition.

This year, Fatma has succeeded in becoming the sole representative of Indonesia among the 20 winners hailing from 15 different countries. Interestingly, she also becomes the first female Indonesian scientist to clinch this prestigious title. “The awarding ceremony for the winners will be held directly in Berlin, Germany, next May,” said the lecturer from the Laboratory of Natural Material and Synthesis Chemistry (KIBAS), Department of Chemistry, ITS.

Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD (kiri) saat bersama para ilmuwan muda dunia di Arizona, Amerika SerikatSri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD (left) pictured with young scientists from around the world in Arizona, United States.

The 2023 Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award laureate explained that this award does not focus on a single research topic. According to Fatma, this intensive track places more emphasis on the dedication provided by scientists in their respective fields in general. However, in the selection process for this award, Fatma herself still maintains her focus on her research on Indonesian local products, particularly herbal medicine, which she has been engaged in for 22 years.

Fatma explained that her research, which falls under the category of natural material chemistry, covers various aspects including material quality improvement, bioactivity, technology of herbal medicine production, empowering farmer resources, and industry collaboration. Having received more than 30 awards and honors, she believes that her research on herbal medicine has uncovered many interesting facts that dispel the stigma of herbal medicine as merely an ancient traditional drink.

Fatma revealed that one of the herbal medicine products she has developed is called MeniTemu. This premier product of ITS Djamoe is a combination of two plants, namely lagoon spurge and javanese turmeric. With the content of filantin and xanthorrhizol from the combination of these two plants, MeniTemu is able to boost the body’s immunity and maintain liver function for its consumers. “In addition to MeniTemu, there are still many other herbal medicine products with different ingredients that we are researching,” added Fatma.

Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD saat mengunjungi Biological Laboratories di Harvard University, Amerika SerikatSri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD during her visit to the Biological Laboratories at Harvard University, United States.

During this journey, Fatma admitted to encountering various challenges, including inadequate fundamental research infrastructure. Nevertheless, with strong determination and collaboration with various parties, Fatma is able to continue her research and introduce various new breakthroughs. “Including assistance from ITS through the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) at ITS,” said the woman who was also honored as one of the best female researchers in the world in 2016.

In the future, the Deputy Head of the Agri-Food and Biotechnology Research Center at ITS hopes that herbal medicine research will continue to evolve with more advanced technology and provide broader benefits to society. For Fatma, herbal medicine is not just a legacy but there are scientific facts that can be proven. “Hopefully, through this award, it will be a significant stepping stone for the expansion of herbal medicine research and Indonesian herbal plants,” Fatma concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani

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