ITS News

Sunday, October 06, 2024
April 27, 2024 13:04

ITS Sends Off 12 Free Mudik Vehicles Ahead of Eid Al-Fitr

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Pelepasan 11 armada bus yang membawa mahasiswa ITS dalam Mudik Gratis ITS 2024The dispatch of 11 bus fleets carrying ITS students for the Free Mudik ITS 2024

ITS Campus, ITS News – Going back to their hometown during Eid Al-Fitr has always been the most joyful moment for many Indonesians, including the academic community of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). As in previous years, ITS once again facilitated this homecoming moment for its students through the Free Mudik ITS 2024 event, on Thursday (4/4) morning, by dispatching 11 bus fleets and 1 minibus.

Imam Safawi Ahmad, SSi MSi, the Coordinator of Free Mudik ITS 2024, explained that this activity is a regular agenda organized by the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) ITS to facilitate its students in obtaining travel accommodations back to their hometowns. ‘Alhamdulillah, this activity has been carried out since 2010, and today’s participants are the largest since the pandemic,’ explained Isa, a lecturer in Actuarial Science at ITS.

Wakil Rektor I ITS Prof Dr Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT (memegang bendera) beserta para pimpinan ITS dan Ikoma ITS ketika memberangkatkan peserta Mudik Gratis ITS 2024 secara simbolikITS Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Ir. Adi Soeprijanto, MT (holding the flag), along with the leadership of ITS and Ikoma ITS, symbolically sends off participants of the Free Mudik ITS 2024.

In collaboration with the East Java Transportation Agency and the Association of ITS Student Parents (Ikoma), this year’s joint mudik successfully sent off a total of 435 travelers who are ITS students from various departments. They were dispatched to 11 routes targeting a total of 38 destination districts and cities.

The Head of the Character Section of the Directorate of Student Affairs at ITS mentioned that these routes are divided into areas in Central Java and East Java. In East Java itself, some of the routes include Jember – Lumajang, Banyuwangi, Pasuruan – Probolinggo – Situbondo – Bondowoso, Kediri – Tulungagung – Trenggalek, Malang/Batu – Blitar, Nganjuk – Madiun – Ponorogo – Pacitan, Gresik – Lamongan – Tuban, and Bangkalan – Sampang – Pamekasan – Sumenep.

Armada bus bantuan dari Dinas Perhubungan Jawa Timur dan Ikatan Orangtua Mahasiswa (Ikoma) ITS yang digunakan dalam Mudik Gratis ITS 2024The bus fleet provided by the East Java Transportation Agency and the Association of ITS Student Parents (Ikoma) used in the Free Mudik ITS 2024.

Meanwhile, in Central Java, it is divided into three routes: Sragen – Salatiga – Semarang, Klaten – Purworejo – Sukoharjo – Surakarta – Yogyakarta, and Demak – Jepara – Kudus – Pati – Rembang. “This year, we have added a new route in the Central Java region considering the very high demand from students,” he added.

Para mahasiswa yang mengikuti Mudik Gratis ITS 2024 di dalam bus rute Nganjuk - Madiun - Ponorogo - PacitanThe students participating in Free Mudik ITS 2024 on the Nganjuk – Madiun – Ponorogo – Pacitan bus route.

On this occasion, ITS Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Ir. Adi Soeprijanto, MT, Vice Rector II, Ir. Mas Agus Mardiyanto, ME, PhD, Chairman of Ikoma ITS, Dr. Ir. Wahid Wahyudi, MT, and Director of Student Affairs at ITS, Dr. Imam Abadi, ST, MT, were present for the symbolic departure of participants of Free Mudik ITS 2024.

Concluding the event, Isa reiterated that through this program, ITS demonstrates its commitment to its students. Furthermore, Isa also expressed hope for the safe arrival of all travelers at their destinations. “We also send our regards to the parents and remind everyone to continue representing ITS positively in their communities,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma

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