The Department of Technology Management has opened new programs and areas of expertise, namely
Menyikapi mewabahnya virus Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) terus
Departemen Manajemen Teknologi Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (MMT-ITS) dengan National Yunlin University of Science
Persyaratan dan Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana ITS Semester Gasal 2018/2019 Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana
Department of Technology Management for the first time held an online release of prospective
Annually, the Department of Technology Management organizes community service activities with a focus on
Graduate Program in Technology Management (MMT) of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) received a
Dear Students, Hereby attached the announcement of Internet Quota Subsidy Beneficiary (MMT Student in
We are currently inform you that due to our meeting agenda which will be