Dr. Darmaji, S.Si., M.T.

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Dr. Darmaji, S.Si., M.T.

Email darmaji@matematika.its.ac, lekdar.darmaji@gmail.com
Ruang U.402, Gedung U Lantai 4 (LAB PROVIKOM)
Professional membership INDOMS
Profil Scholar Scopus Sinta

Bidang Keahlian

  • Matematika
  • Teori Graf

Pengalaman kerja/jabatan

  1. Sekretaris Pusat Studi Sains, 2011 – 2013
  2. Kepala Pusat Studi Sains, 2013 – 2014
  3. Ketua LP2KHA (Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan, Kemahasiswaan dan Hubungan Alumni ) ITS, 2014 – 2015
  4. Direktur Kemahasiswaan ITS, 2015 – 2019
  5. Kepala Laboratorium Pemrograman dan Komputasi Visual Matematika ITS, 2020 – sekarang


  • Doctoral Degree, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
  • Master Degree, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
  • Bachelor Degree, Department of Mathematics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia.

Publications (Recent Journals and Conferences)

  1. Darmaji, Rinurwati, S Wahyudi, SW Saputro, (2020), Constructing and Expanding Super Edge-Magic Total Graphs with Many Odd Cycles, manuscript
  2. Darmaji, Rinurwati, Suhud Wahyudi, (2020) The Domination Number of Neighbourhood 2-Corona Graphs, iCOMPAC Math ITS R Ardiyansah 2013. Bilangan Kromatik Graf Hasil Amalgamasi Dua Buah Graf Jurnal Sains dan Seni Pomits 2 (1), 2337-3520
  3. Darmaji, ET Baskoro, The partition dimension of corona product of two graphs Far East J. Math. Sci 66 (2) (2012), 181-196
  4. AR Alvianto, D Darmaji, Pengaman Pengiriman Pesan Via SMS dengan Algoritma RSA Berbasis Android Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 4 (1), A1-A6
  5. Darmaji, AB Permana.(2012). Dimensi metrik graf pohon bentuk tertentu Jurnal Teknik Pomits 1 (1), 1-4
  6. R Amalia, 2012. Dimensi Partisi pada Graf Serupa Roda dengan Penambahan Anting Jurnal: Teknik ITS
  7. R Umilasari, D Darmaji, Dominating number of distance two of corona products of graphs Indonesian Journal of Combinatorics 1 (1), 41-46
  8. Darmaji, R Alfarisi, On the partition dimension of comb product of path and complete graph AIP Conference Proceedings 1867 (1), 020038
  9. S Sulastri, D Darmaji, MI Irawan, Aplikasi Pewarnaan Graf Fuzzy untuk Mengklasifikasi Jalur Lalu Lintas di Persimpangan Jalan Insinyur Soekarno Surabaya Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 3 (2), A10-A15
  10. Darmaji, ET Baskoro, Further results on partition dimension of corona products AIP Conference Proceedings 1450 (1) (2012), 77-81
  11. R Alfarisi, Darmaji, On the star partition dimension of comb product of cycle and path AIP Conference Proceedings 1867 (1) (2016), 020016
  12. R Rimadhany, Darmaji, Local metric dimension of circulant graph AIP Conference Proceedings 1867 (1) (2016), 020053
  13. MA Hadi, D Darmaji, S Wahyudi, Bilangan Kromatik Dominasi pada Graf-Graf Hasil Operasi Korona Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 5 (2)
  14. D Darmaji, AR Alvianto, Pengaman Pengiriman Pesan Via SMS dengan Algoritma RSA Berbasis Android Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 4 (1), 15559
  15. V Kusuma, D Darmaji, Elliptic Curve dan Implementasinya pada Algoritma Tanda Tangan Digital Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 3 (2), A6-A9
  16. L Deewi, N Wahyuningsih, D Darmaji, Pemilihan Susu Formula untuk Memenuhi Asupan Gizi pada Balita dengan Metode Finite Covering Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 3 (2), 15480R
  17. Adawiyah, D Darmaji, R Ambarwati, L Nursafrida, IWS Putri, ER Albirri, On Edge Dominating Number of Tensor Product of Cycle and Path

 Research and Development Project

  2. Local Metric Dimensions of Operation 2-Corona-Environment Result Graph, Research Department Funds, 2020.
  3. Development of Sentiment Analysis Algorithm and Association Rule for Analysis of Stock Index Movement Patterns in Indonesia, Lab-Based Education Research, 2019.
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