Prof. Drs. Basuki Widodo, M.Sc, Ph.D

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Prof. Drs. Basuki Widodo, M.Sc, Ph.D

Ruang F 206, Gedung F Lantai 2
Professional membership IEEE, INDOMS, IORA
Profil Scholar Scopus Sinta

Areas of expertise

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Numerical Methods
  • Numerical Simulation
  • Applied Mathematics


  • Master Thesis, Free Surface Fluid Flow in an Arbitrary Shaped Channel /CFD Leeds Univ. UK- 1996.
  • PhD Dissertation, The Application of Boundary Integral Method on Free Surface Fluid Flow Problems /CFD Leeds Univ. UK- 2000.
  • Post – Doctoral : Numerical Computation, TU WIEN, Vienna, Austria 2006.
  • Professor : Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation from Misnistry of Education- Republic of Indonesia 2007.


  1. Professor of Mathematical Modelling and Simulation (2007-now)
  2. Chair, Department of Mathematics (2007-2011)
  3. Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences(2015-2017)
  4. Dean, Faculty of Mathematics, Computing, and Data Science (2017-2019)
  5. Chief of Indonesian Mathematical Society for East Java (2012-2016)
  6. Advisory Chief of Indonesian Mathematical Society for East Java (2016-2018)

Scientific Publications

  1. Widodo, B. and Siing, M. (2011), “Numerical Solution of Flood Routing Model Using Finite Volume Methods”, International Journal of Studies in Nonlinear Sciences 2 (1), 40-45, IDOSI Publications India.
  2. Widodo, B., Fatahilah, A. and Rahayuningsih, T., (2011),” Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Solution of Iron Corrosion Problem Based on Condensation Chemical Properties”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(1): 79-86, ISSN 1991-8178.
  3. Widodo, B., (2012), “The Effects of Hydrodynamic Pollutant Towards Disperse in A River”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS), Vol. 7, 2012, no. 45, from 2229 to 2234, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
  4. Hanif, A. and Widodo, B., (2012),” Distribution of Total Suspended Solid Concentration in A River”, Jurnal IPTEK-ITS, Volume 23, No 3 August 2012, Website jurnal IPTEK:
  5. Utoyo, I., Nusantara, T., Widodo, B. and Suhariningsih (2012),” Fractional Integral Operator and Olsen Inequality in the Non-Homogeneous Classic Morrey Space”, Int. Journal of Math.Analysis, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 31, 1501 – 1511, ISSN 1312-8876, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
  6. Utoyo, I., Nusantara, T., Widodo, B. and Suhariningsih(2012),” The Necessary And Sufficient Condition For Boundedness Of Fractional Integral Operator In Morrey Space On Non-Homogeneous Spaces”, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) Volume 69, Issue 1, October 2012, Pages 139 – 153, Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, INDIA.
  7. Widodo, B., (2012),” The Influence Of Hydrodynamics On Pollutant Dispersion In The River”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS) ISSN 1312-7586, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 45, from 2229 to 2234, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
  8. Agung, IGA., Suhariningsih, Triono and Widodo, B. (2012),” Determination of physical parameter model for the photo film mammographic X-ray results on the breast cancer histology classification”, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (IJCMS) ISSN 1312-7586, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 45, from 2235 to 2244, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
  9. Jamaluddin, A., Utama, IKAP. and Widodo, B. (2012),” Experimental Investigations Into The Resistance Components Of Asymmetrical Catamarans With Variation Of Hull Spacing And Stagger (DOI No: 10.3940 / rina.ijsct. 2012. b1.124) ” , Intl J Small Craft Tech, Trans RINA (The Royal Institution of Naval Architects), Vol 154, Part B1, Jan-Jun 2012.
  10. Jamaluddin, A., Utama, IKAP. and Widodo, B. (2012),” Experimental Investigations Into The Resistance Components Of Symmetrical Catamarans With Variations In Hull Clearances And Staggers (DOI No: 10.3940 / rina. ijsct. 2012.b1.122)”, Intl J Small Craft Tech, Trans RINA (The Royal Institution of Naval Architects), Vol 154, Part B1, Jan-Jun 2012.
  11. Hariyanto, Basuki Widodo, I Nyoman Budiantara, C.A. Nidom (2013),” The construction of a model of pre-coalition between H1N1-p and H5N1 influenza virus in Indonesia “, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 99, 4899-4907, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
  12. Inu Laksito Wibowo and Basuki Widodo (2013), “Numerical Simulation On Calculating Volume Sedimentation On Two Rivers Confluences” Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) Volume 76, Number 2, May 2013, Pages 223 – 233, Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, INDIA.
  13. Chairul Imron, Suhariningsih, Basuki Widodo and Triyogi Yuwono (2013), “Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow Around Circular and I-Shape Cylinder in a Tandem Configuration”, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 114, 5657 – 5666, HIKARI Ltd Journals and Books Publisher, Bulgaria.
  14. Mardlijah , Achmad Jazidie, Basuki Widodo, Ari Santoso (2013),” A New Combination Method Of Firefly Algorithm And T2fsmc For Mobile Inverted Pendulum Robot”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, pp 824 – 831 Vol. 47. No. 2 – 2013, Little Lion Scientific Publisher, Islamabad Pakistan.
  15. Basuki Widodo (2013), “The Influence of Hydrodynamics on The Spread of Pollutant in The Confluence of Two Rivers”, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences Vol. 7, 2013, no. 123, 6115-6123 HIKARI Ltd. Journals and BooksPublisher, Bulgaria.
  16. Jamalluddin, A., Utama, IKAP, Widodo, B. and Molland AF. (2013), “Experimental and Numerical Study of The Resistance Component Interactions of Catamarans” International Journal of Engineering for The Maritime Environment, Vol. 227 Issue 1, February 2013, CPI Group Ltd., Croydon, CR0 4YY, United Kingdom.
  17. Basuki Widodo, Kamiran, Nur Asiyah, Farida Agustini Widjayati, Dimas Avian Maulana, “Total Suspended Solid (Tss) Pollutant Dispersion Pattern In A Confluence Of Two Rivers” has been accepted International Journal of Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics 2014, Pushpa Publishing House, India.

Research and Development Project

  1. Dynamics of Spread of Infectious Diseases in an Area Using a Multi-Group Approach (Case Study of Covid 19 in Surabaya), Department Research Fund, 2020
  2. Mathematical Modeling of Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of Nano and Micropolar Fluids Through Sliced Spheres of Magnets Under the Effect of Mixed Convection, Graduate Research Program, 2019
  3. Intelligent Transportation Systems To Improve The Effectiveness, Efficiency, And Safety Of Transportation Systems Through The Use Of Models And ICT, College Leading Applied Research, 2020
  4. Intelligent Transportation Systems To Improve The Effectiveness, Efficiency, And Safety Of Transportation Systems Through The Use Of Models And ICT, College Leading Applied Research, 2019
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