Grant for Short Program at ITS

Short Program Grant

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) always shows its commitment to achieving the target of becoming a Top 500 World Class University by accelerating internationalization through the involvement of all elements at ITS, one of which is through the Short Program Grant which provides financial assistance to invite more international students to study at ITS.

Through the Short Program Grant, it is hoped that departments and faculties will be increasingly motivated to create new short programs with a more diverse variety of topics.


There are 2 batches of timelines for submitting proposals for international short program activities:

Batch 1

Registration: 1 February – 15 March 2023

Announcement of proposals: 30 March, 2023

Program implementation period: 1 June – 31 August 2023

note: the nature of the activity is first come – first serve according to the acceptance of the proposal

Batch 2 (if there are still grants that are available)

Registration: 1 May – 15 June 2023

Announcement of proposals: 30 July 2023

Program implementation period: October 1 – November 30, 2023

Skema Hibah & Ketentuan Program

Cost Scheme

The grant is Rp. 50,000,000 which will be given through a ceiling transfer mechanism from ITS Global Engagement to the approved proposing Faculty/Department. Funding can be used for:

  • Accommodation fee
  • Meal costs during the program
  • Honorarium fee for non-ITS speakers
  • Cost of preparing materials for program implementation


  • Activities are expected to support or be relevant to teaching, education, and research.
  • Activities are carried out offline for a minimum of 10 days.
  • Minimum duration of short program activities is 30 hours.
  • Can be implemented in collaboration with at least one international university partner.
  • The process of promotion, registration of participants, preparation and implementation of the short program is carried out by the proposer.

Applicant Terms

  1. The proposer is a department within ITS
  2. Each proposing unit is only allowed to submit 1 activity proposal in one year
  3. The applicant includes a letter of recommendation from the Faculty (template provided)
  4. Proposers submit proposals and a statement of commitment (template provided)
  5. Applicants are expected to provide co-financing (in-cash or in-kind) if needed

Program Output

  1. The number of international participants in the short program grant is at least 10 students and completes the administration of international student study permits
  2. The number of international lecturers/speakers in short program activities is at least 1 person, preferably those who have never been recorded in the ITS Academic Peer (AR) database. AR data information can be checked via contact person.
  3. Reports on the implementation of activities along with reports on the use of funds
  4. Additional outputs can be in the form of draft cooperation documents (MoU/MoA/IA) if international partner still has no cooperation agreement with ITS

Contact Person

Dr. Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini (