
Internationalization Training & Workshop – Pelatihan Penguatan Kantor Urusan Internasional (PPKUI)

Mon, 08 Nov 2021
2:36 pm
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Internationalization is undeniable. No one can deny that internationalization is an urgent need for all higher education institutions around the world. The need for global competitiveness for alumni & institutions has turned out to be a pressure for many institutions.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is calling for participant for Internationalization Training & Workshop for HEs international officers which will be conducted online in November-Desember 2021, consisting of 10 days (3 packages) activities.

This is the time for those of you who have advanced, are in the process of, or are just starting, to renew, enhance or expand your internationalization journey. This training is designed to help you develop tangible results. You will receive worksheets in which you will be able to develop strategy or programs that can directly be implemented in your institution.

Internasionalisasi telah mengetuk pintu Anda. Tidak ada yang bisa menyangkal bahwa internasionalisasi merupakan kebutuhan mendesak bagi semua institusi pendidikan tinggi di seluruh dunia. Kebutuhan akan daya saing global bagi alumni & institusi ternyata menjadi tekanan bagi banyak institusi. Inilah saatnya bagi Anda yang telah maju, sedang dalam upaya , atau baru memulai perjalanan internasionalisasi, untuk memperbarui, meningkatkan, atau mengembangkan internasionalisasi Anda. Pelatihan ini dirancang berdasarkan pengalaman bertahun-tahun & bertujuan untuk membantu Anda mengembangkan hasil yang nyata.

Use this link for registration:

Use this link for payment confirmation:

Person in charge for international queries:
Ms. Salsabila Arini Kusuma

WhatsApp: +62 899-8833-013


Person in charge for Indonesia based queries:
Ms. Vivi Ria & Ms. Dhania

WhatsApp: +62 857 0685 4749 & +62 812 3232 8151


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