
LSA June Edition: Special Study Abroad & Degree Programs

Mon, 28 Jun 2021
2:22 pm
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LSA (Let’s Study Abroad) June edition invited ITS partner universities from various countries as speakers to provide information about opportunities for study abroad programs, life on campus, and their countries of origin to ITS students. The LSA (Let’s Study Abroad) program aims to increase the spirit of internationalization for ITS students. Not only providing information on study abroad programs for undergraduate students, this June edition of LSA also specifically provides information on further study programs for diplomas, masters, and doctorals that can be utilized by both students and alumni of ITS.

LSA June Edition was held on Friday, June 11, 2021, at 15.00-17.00 WIB (GMT+7) online through the Zoom Meeting platform. LSA June edition presents ITS partner universities from China, Malaysia, and Canada. The universities were Camosun University, Canada; Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia; and Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (BUCEA) which is part of the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC).

LSA June edition started on 15.00 WIB, began with a speech from the Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement Office on International Partnership, Mr. Astria Nur Irfansyah, Ph.D.



The event then continued with presentation sessions from 3 ITS partner universities, for 20 minutes each. It started with a presentation by Mr. Azrul Hasyimi Bin Zabidi from Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia. Besides Mr. Azrul, several staff from UTP Malaysia were also present to help in the question and answer session later, namely Mrs. Nur Syairah Mohd Sabri, Mrs. Khairunnisa Aimi Ghazali, and Ms. Noor Iffah Mehat. Next, was a presentation from the Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (BUCEA) and program information from the Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC) which was presented by Mr. Huang Xing and Ms.Tian Ziyan and the last presentation session by Ms. Jennifer Montero from Camosun University, Canada.



Right after the presentation session, the event continued with a panel discussion session led by Mr. Muh. Wahyu Islami Pratama M., S.T., Manager for CommTECH & Mobility Program as the moderator. In this session, participants can ask general questions directly and the moderator will also ask questions that are often asked by ITS students, through the initial registration form when participants register for LSA, which will later be answered by the three ITS partner universities present.



After the panel discussion session, all participants and speakers were directed by the committee to enter the breakout room. Participants are given the freedom to choose a breakout room according to their respective interests in the university and the programs it offers. There are 3 breakout rooms: Room 1 for Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia, Room 2 for Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (BUCEA), and Room 3 for Camosun University, Canada. During the session in the breakout room, participants can ask more specific questions or consult directly with partner universities. One example of the questions asked by participants was about the information on activities that students could participate in while studying at the partner university. There are also research-related questions for doctoral students.

After 20 minutes in the breakout room, all participants and speakers returned to the main room for a group photo session and closing by the MC. LSA June Edition Session 1 was attended by around 50 participants consisting of diploma, bachelor, master, doctoral, and ITS student alumni.



LSA June Edition was expected to encourage and motivate ITS students and alumni to take part in international exposure activities and help them to gain more insight into various study abroad and degree program opportunities. Participants who meet the requirements will also get a reward in the form of Stamp4It which can later be exchanged with SKEM GPA.

For more details, watch the video recording of the LSA June edition below:


Bahasa Indonesia:

LSA (Let’s Study Abroad) kembali hadir di bulan Juni yang lalu dengan mengundang universitas mitra ITS dari berbagai negara sebagai pembicara untuk memberikan informasi seputar kesempatan program study abroad bagi mahasiswa ITS dan kehidupan di kampus, dan negara asal mereka. Program LSA (Let’s Study Abroad) ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan semangat internasionalisasi bagi mahasiswa ITS.  Tidak hanya memberikan informasi program study abroad untuk mahasiswa sarjana, LSA Edisi Juni kali ini juga spesial memberikan informasi program studi lanjut untuk diploma,  magister, dan doktoral yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik mahasiswa maupun alumni ITS.

LSA Edisi Juni diadakan pada Jumat, 11 Juni 2021 pukul 15.00-17.00 WIB (GMT+7) secara online melalui platform Zoom Meeting. LSA Edisi Juni menghadirkan universitas partner ITS dari China, Malaysia, dan Kanada. Universitas yang hadir adalah Camosun University, Canada; Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia; dan Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (BUCEA) yang merupakan bagian dari Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC).

LSA dimulai pukul 15.00 WIB yang diawali dengan sambutan dari Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement Office on International Partnership, Bapak Astria Nur Irfansyah, Ph.D. 



Acara kemudian dilanjutkan dengan sesi presentasi dari 3 universitas mitra ITS, masing-masing selama 20 menit. Dimulai dengan presentasi oleh Mr Azrul Hasyimi Bin Zabidi dari Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia. Selain Mt Azrul, beberapa staff dari UTP Malaysia juga hadir untuk membantu menjawab saat sesi tanya jawab nanti yaitu Mrs. Nur Syairah Mohd Sabri, Mrs. Khairunnisa Aimi Ghazali, dan Ms. Noor Iffah Mehat. Selanjutnya presentasi dari Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (BUCEA) dan informasi program dari Belt and Road Architectural University International Consortium (BRAUIC) yang dibawakan oleh Mr. Huang Xing dan Ms. Tian Ziyan dan sesi presentasi ketiga yang dibawakan oleh Ms. Jennifer Montero dari Camosun University, Canada. 



Setelah sesi presentasi, acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi panel diskusi yang dipimpin oleh Manager for CommTECH & Mobility Program, Muh. Wahyu Islami Pratama M., S.T. selaku moderator. Pada sesi ini, peserta dapat mengajukan pertanyaan yang bersifat umum secara langsung dan moderator juga akan menanyakan pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan oleh mahasiswa ITS, melalui form registrasi awal saat peserta mendaftar LSA, yang nantinya akan dijawab oleh ketiga universitas mitra ITS yang hadir.



Seusai sesi panel diskusi, seluruh peserta dan pembicara diarahkan oleh panitia untuk memasuki breakout room. Para peserta diberi kebebasan untuk memilih breakout room sesuai ketertarikan masing-masing terhadap universitas dan program yang ditawarkan. Terdapat 3 breakout room: Room 1 untuk Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia, Room 2 untuk Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture (BUCEA), dan Room 3 untuk Camosun University, Canada. Saat sesi di breakout room, peserta dapat bertanya pertanyaan yang lebih spesifik atau berkonsultasi langsung kepada universitas mitra yang terdapat di masing-masing breakout room. Salah satu contoh pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh peserta yakni seputar informasi aktivitas yang bisa diikuti mahasiswa selama berada di universitas mitra yang bersangkutan. Terdapat juga pertanyaan terkait riset bagi mahasiswa doktoral.

Setelah 20 menit berada di breakout room, seluruh peserta dan pembicara kembali ke main room untuk melakukan sesi foto bersama. Acara pun kemudian ditutup oleh MC. LSA Edisi Juni Sesi 1 diikuti sekitar 50 peserta yang terdiri dari mahasiswa diploma, sarjana, magister, doktoral, hingga alumni mahasiswa ITS.



Dengan diadakannya LSA Edisi Juni ini, diharapkan mahasiswa maupun alumni ITS dapat termotivasi untuk mengikuti kegiatan international exposure dan memiliki wawasan yang lebih mengenai berbagai kesempatan study abroad maupun studi lanjut di luar negeri. Peserta yang memenuhi syarat juga akan mendapatkan reward berupa Stamp4It yang nantinya bisa ditukarkan untuk nilai SKEM.

Selengkapnya, simak video rekaman acara LSA Edisi Juni di bawah ini:

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