

Wed, 07 Oct 2020
9:14 am
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The COVID-19 pandemic surely did not hinder ITS Global Engagement from encouraging internationalization. It even served as a new opportunity for ITS in conducting mobility programs and reaching out to more students around the world. This time, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember collaborated with a partner university, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), in conducting Teen-IDEAS 2020. Teen-IDEAS 2020 adopted the theme of “New Normal in Varsity Campus: Implementing Novel Technology in the Post COVID-19 Pandemic” to reflect on the current COVID-19 conditions, analyze its impact on teaching and learning activities, and come up with fresh innovations and ideas that can be implemented, from the perspective of students as stakeholders, through a virtual mobility program. There was a total of 166 students from ITS and UniMAP, 71 participants and 95 audiences, who took part in this amazing program accompanied with 18 exceptional reviewers as well as 4 distinguished speakers.

Teen-IDEAS 2020 can be identified into two types of event, Meetings 1 and 4 that consist of insightful lectures on the latest technologies that can be implemented to solve or better improve the current covid19 conditions, which will be delivered by faculty members of ITS and UniMAP.

Meanwhile Meetings 2, 3, 5, and 6 composes of student group presentations on their bright ideas of utilizing the latest technologies to overcome the current covid-19 conditions in different sectors, which will be followed by Q&A session with questions from audiences and reviewers. Each participant group consist of 3 students from ITS and UniMAP.

Teen-IDEAS 2020 was officially opened in the first meeting, which was held on the 29th of July 2020. With the theme of “Technology in Online Teaching & Learning (OTL)”, the distinguished Vice Chancellor of UniMAP himself, Ir. Prof. Dr. R. Badlishah Ahmad, presented his view on the causes, effects, threats, and opportunities of the pandemic on OTL. Other than that, Dr. Bagus Jati Santoso, S.Kom., Ph.D., the Head of Sub. Directorate on Academic Development ITS, also contributed in giving insight for participants who will be preparing their presentations and ideas.

Consecutive meetings 2 and 3 was filled with student presentations, groups 1 to 3 then followed by groups 4 to 6. Meeting 2 raised the theme of “Technology in OTL: Expectation vs Reality” in student presentations with honourable faculty members as reviewers, Dr. Ummi Naiemah Saraih, Dr. Mohd Fitri Mansor, and Ms Hafizah Abdul Rahim from UniMAP. On the other hand, there was Bahalwan Apriyansyah, ST, MBA, Mohammad Rohmaneo Darminto, ST, MSc, and Dika Virginia Devintasari, S.Si, M.Sc from ITS. Meanwhile Meeting 3 raised the theme of “Technology in OTL: Ideas and Innovation in Academic Support System” to be analyzed and discussed, with Ts. Dr. Kunasundari Balakrishnan, Ts. Dr. Allan Melvin Andrew, and Dr. Lee Yeng Seng as reviewers from UniMAP together with the same line-up of reviewers from ITS.

Moving on with the event, Meeting 4 took place by taking the theme of “New Normal in Varsity Campus: Educating and Preparing All University Stakeholders”. The distinguished speakers were Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohd Rizal Arshad, Deputy Vice Chancellor of UniMAP, and Ms. Octaviyanti Dwi Wahyurini, S.T., MAppDesArt, Ph.D., Senior Manager of ITS Global Engagement. They shared valuable lessons in relation to the topics of the next meetings.

Followed by meetings 5 and 6 where group 7 to 12 is scheduled to present. They spotlighted the themes of Designing and Executing Post COVID-19 Adaptation Ideas: Within Varsity Campus and Designing and Executing Post COVID-19 Adaptation Ideas: Beyond Varsity Campus consecutively.At the end of the program, there were final project presentation and project exhibition where the participants had to present their project ideas related to their courses and be reviewed by the professors and lecturers.

This program, not only provided learning sessions, but also gave an opportunity for participants to develop more and reach a wider target. All of the meetings are streamed live on youtube, recorded, and uploaded for people around the world to stream and see. It was a wonderful experience for ITS to conduct this program and an unforgettable event to have for each party in this program. See you at the next event!

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