
International Winter University Program 2020 at Hochschule Darmstadt

Mon, 12 Aug 2019
1:13 am
Short Program for ITS Students
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Dear ITS Students,

Hochschule Darmstadt Universityof Applied Sciences (Germany) invited ITS students to join “Winter University Program 2020 at Hochschule Darmstadt”.

This program is the 4th International Winter University Program at Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

This English taught winter course will take place from December 30, 2019 – January 18, 2020. Students can choose between two modules:

1) International Marketing and Sales

This module deals with the growing importance of Marketing Management for the success of a product and the company. Students will learn how to manage complex international marketing concepts. Different requirements of BtoB and BtoC customer segments, various industries as well as of selling services or products are considered in this module study. By the end of the course, students should be able to conceptualize an international marketing concept and an international sales strategy.

Planned academic excursions:

  • Marketing case study at Brita Arena (soccer arena) in Wiesbaden
  • Opel Automobile (marketing presentations, case studies, factory tour)

syllabus can be found at here 

2) Design of Healthy Cities – Mobility of the Future

In the 1890s, the “Rover Safety Bicycle” entered the market. It had lead in German cities to a first discussion about safety and speed in the street (R. Bauer): Slow pedestrians and racing bicycles fighting for their share of the street. This discussion came up again in the 1920s and 1930s and especially after WWII for cars and slow pedestrians especially in the US. The street became the space for cars. Not for pedestrians. The so-called “jaywalker” – comparable to today’s texting and walking inhabitants of the city – was removed from the street to the side (P. Norton). In the case study “Middletown” (Lynd/Lynd 1929) we find the observation that the car changed the town center from a meeting point of people to a traffic junction of cars.

What are city streets for? This is a crucial question. Small measures like greening the facades of houses, to plant a few trees, to establish playgrounds, or one way roads, to implement electric mobiles, inner city toll, or pedestrian zones in cities is not enough to design a healthy city. A more radical and fundamental approach is needed: At the center of a healthy city project is the necessity to bring the pedestrian back into the street and to turn the power hierarchy in the city defined by speed and horsepower upside down. “Slow is beautiful!”

syllabus can be found at here 

The agenda also includes a German-as-a-foreign-language-course and a variety of leisure activities prepared for all participants outside of the classroom.

Students can earn up to 6 ECTS credits for this 3 week intensive-programme (4 ECTS for the academic seminar, 2 ECTS for the German Language Course).

One highlight of the programme will be the New Year’s Eve celebration in Darmstadt. In addition to that the following activities are part of the program:

–       Day trips to Frankfurt and Heidelberg

–       Intercultural training

–       Ice skating

–       Indoor rock climbing

–       German dinner night

All other relevant information on the program can be found on our website:

Participants: The programme is aimed at motivated undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world with a background in business administration, management studies, marketing, social sciences, urban development, political sciences, geography, or related disciplines.

Program fee:
€1990 (Special price for ITS students 
€900)  – including 3-weeks tuition, field trips and excursions, accommodation in shared twin rooms in a hotel, health, accident and liability insurance, and social activities.

The selected participants must cover another expenses including airfare ticket, meals and other expenses

This program open for Diploma, Bachelor & Master students of ITS (not open for D3/D4/S1 batch 2019)

For ITS students who are interested with this program, please prepare your documents below: 

1. Application Form  (including the photo)

2. The Latest Official Academic Transcript in english version

3. Scanned of Valid EFL of ITS (you must EFL ITS min 477)

4. Scanned of Valid Passport (valid minimum at least one year)

5. Short Motivation Letter in English.

The motivation letter should be short but concise and you may refer to following aspects:

  • Why are you interested to join the winter course at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences?
  • What is your special interest in the subject?
  • What added benefit do you expect to get by joining a short-term programme in Germany?
  • How does the topic relate to your studies?
  • What skills and knowledge do you have to successfully complete the programme?
  • How do you prepare yourself for the programme?

6. Statement Letter (Please download from this link )

7. CV

8. Scanned of Parents letter support (the letter must signed by your parents and the letter must mention about the awareness of your parents about this program. Please also mention that your parents support you for the financial and other things if you are accepted in this program)

Please submit all of your documents (soft copy) to Mr. Wahyu at (format email subject: Apply_WinterSchool_Darmstadt_Name_NRP) maximum on September 15, 2019 (23.59 WIB). However, you must bring the original statement letter (hard copy) in the interview process ( around 18 – 20 Sept 2019)

If you have questions about this program please ask Mr. Wahyu at with subject (ASK)WinterSchool_Darmstadt




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