Dear ITS Students,
The International Joint Education Program for Science and Technology (IJEP) Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho, MEXT) has opened a special allocation for admission in October 2017 at Graduate School of Science and Technology (GSST) Kumamoto University. This special allocation is intended for prospective Master and Doctoral degree students in Indonesia and Myanmar, specifically in the field of computer science and electrical engineering. The deadline of application is February 28.
Kindly notice that a prospective supervisor must be contacted regarding your application. For those who might not have prospective supervisor yet, please follow the guideline at
Recipients of scholarship will receive a 144,000 yen stipend, travel costs to and from Japan, and exemption to enrollment and tuition fees.
For more information, visit
or contact Kumamoto Liaison Office at ITS with the following details:
Dear ITS Students, DAAD scholarship programs are offering exceptional opportunities for students, PhD candidates, and lecturers to advance their
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