
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Interview 1 – Open Recruitment of ITS International Office

Fri, 10 Apr 2015
7:52 am

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Stage 2: Interview 1
Open Recruitment of ITS International Office

We would like to invite participants who have passed the stage 1 (online registration) to the next stage which is Interview 1. it will be held on:

Day, date: Saturday-Sunday, 11-12 April 2015
Place: ITS International Office, Rectorate Building 2nd Floor
Dresscode: Casual-formal attire

All participants must bring the hard-copy documents of:
1. GPA transcript (printed from Integra ITS, no need to be legalized)
2. TOEFL, TEFL, IELTS certificate
3. Graphic design portfolios (only for those who applied for Media & Information Division)

SCHEDULE of each participant can be downloaded via this link:

Make sure you come view minutes before the scheduled time. The participants who are late will be disqualified.

Thank you.

[FYI, sertifikat TEFL waktu maba bisa diambil di UPT bahasa, hanya tinggal menyerahkan KTM, langsung jadi]

[Bagi yang berhalangan pada jam yang ditetapkan bisa menukar jadwal dengan peserta lainnya. Penukaran jadwal sepenuhnya tanggung jawab peserta. Jika telah deal satu sama lain, wajib konfirmasi kepada CP. Apabila membutuhkan nomor telepon orang yang bersangkutan (orang yang ingin anda tukar jadwalnya), silahkan hubungi CP]

Nola: (085646403312) / LINE ID : nolavilaviolita
Putri: (08121113290 / LINE ID : dlarasputri

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