
Research & Collaboration

Thu, 02 Feb 2012
2:32 am

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To support ITS targets, i.e. giving significant contribution of high-quality education in Science Development, Arts, and Technology (IPTEKS) for national, regional and international development, the Institute of Research and Public Services (LPPM)-ITS carries out incessant researches and services which are of significant benefit to the community.

In addition, LPPM ITS has also developed a center which has carried out studies of Intellectual Properties Rights (HKI) and promotion of IPTEKS.

Cooperation of ITS and industrial world is an important tool for transferring knowledge and skills from academic institutions to industries or vice versa.

ITS is now taking serious efforts to be a university with international accreditation. The first objective is to prepare the Institute to enter 100 Asian’s best universities and 500 World’s best universities.

The current running paradigm of education is carried out by sequential accelerations to be an economic development university (EDU), whilst at the same time, strengthening the basics of teaching and research university.

Phenomenal contribution from ITS to the community is the creation of makeshift houses to tsunami victims in Aceh; in collaboration with the government of East Java and business community, ITS grants 1,000 such houses to them. ITS has also prepared prototypes of small boats for fishermen in Aceh and neighboring areas.

Various works of scientific and social significance produced by ITS students, graduates and staff have been dedicated to the community and industrial world to help them for economic and social benefits. This tradition of mutual trust and cooperation has been carried out to meet the institution’s vision of social dedication and work.

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