Lecturer Profil

Name Dr. Mahendra Wardhana, S.T., M.T.
NIDN 0028047209
Position Head of Department
Email mahendra[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Doctorate Degree in Architecture, ITS
Expertise areas Behaviour and Lifestyle
Publications Click here
Name Anggra Ayu Rucitra, S.T, M.MT.
NIDN 0007078307
Position Secretary of Department
Email anggra[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Technology Management, ITS
Expertise areas Interior Designing
Publications Click here
Name Ir. Prasetyo Wahyudie, M.T.
NIDN 0020016502
Position Head of Behaviour and Environment’s Laboratory
Email prasetyo[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Architecture, ITS
Expertise areas Criticism and Design
Publications Click here
Name Dr. Ir. Susy Budi Astuti, M.T.
NIDN 0024066504
Position Lecturer
Email susy[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Doctorate Degree in Architecture, ITS
Expertise areas Behaviour and Ergonomic
Publications Click here
Name Ir. Nanik Rachmaniyah, M.T.
NIDN 0009116505
Position Lecturer
Email nanik[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Architecture, ITS
Expertise areas Behaviour and Public Area
Publications Click here
Name Lea Kristina Anggraeni, S.T., M.Ds.
NIDN 0020078008
Position Lecturer
Email leaanggraeni[at]yahoo.com
Educational Background Master Degree in Design, ITB
Expertise areas Extra-ordinary Ergonomic and Lifestyle
Publications Click here
Name Anggri Indraprasti, S.Sn., M.Ds.
NIDN 0019087102
Position Head of Aesthetic and Culture’s Laboratory
Email anggri[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Design, ITB
Expertise areas Design and Nusantara’s Culture
Publications Click here
Name Ir. Budiono, M.Sn.
NIDN 0004065910
Position Lecturer
Email budiono[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Design, ITB
Expertise areas Design Theory and Methodology
Publications Click here
Name Firman Hawari, S.Sn., M.Ds.
NIDN 0001027206
Position Lecturer
Email hawari[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Design , ITB
Expertise areas Applied Aesthetics
Publications Click here
Name Aria Weny Anggraita, S.T., M.MT.
NIDN 0001088207
Position Lecturer
Email ariaweny[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Technology Management, ITS
Expertise areas Aesthetics and Design Development
Publications Click here
Name Ir. Adi Wardoyo. M.MT.
NIDN 0008105407
Position Head of Interior Science’s Laboratory
Email wardoyoadi[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Master Degree in Technology Management, ITS
Expertise areas Material and Development to BIM (Build.Inf.Models)
Publications Click here
Name Thomas Ari Kristianto, S.Sn., M.T.
NIDN 0029047503
Position Lecturer
Email thomasjawa[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Magister in Architecture, ITS
Expertise areas Building Science, Project Management, Creativity-Exploration of Ship Interior Design and Design
Publications Click here
Name Caesario Ari Budianto, S.T., M.T.
NIDN 0016128501
Position Lecturer
Email caesario.budianto[at]interior.its.ac.id
Educational Background Magister in Architecture, ITS
Expertise areas Architectural Criticism and Theory
Publications Click here
Name Okta Putra Setio Ardianto, S.T., M.T.
Position Lecturer
Email oktaputra07[at]gmail.com
Educational Background Magister in Architecture, ITS
Expertise areas Environmental Architecture
Publications Click here
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