Academic Regulations and Informations

Academic Regulation and Information

Departemen Fisika ITS menyediakan berbagai informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa dan calon mahasiswa dalam bidang akademik. Eksplor berbagai informasi untuk merencanakan kegiatan akademik disini.

SOP for Submission of Practical Works :

  1. Students prepare the Proposal
  2. Students fill out the Application Form
  3. Lecturers / Counselors approve / sign the Forms and Proposals
  4. Students collect back to Administration Office to make a cover letter of introduction for applications to companies / agencies
  5. The Head of Department signs the letter
  6. Administrative Staff gives a number and archives the letter
  7. Students receive a letter and send it to the company

SOP for Submission of Final Project :

  1. Students compile a Draft Final Project and print as many Supervisors + Testing Lecturers and Fill out Final Project Exam Forms
  2. Supervisors sign Exam Forms and Final Project Drafts
  3. Students Submit Forms and Final Project Draft to Business
  4. Academic Administration checks and records students who will advance Final Project
  5. Department of Education / Study Program S1 checks student data. Advanced Final Project, contact the Testing Lecturer and Supervisor, schedule the Final Project exam
  6. Department of Education / Study Program S1 signs the test schedule and invitation to test
  7. Academic Administration announces Final Project schedules
  8. Academic Administration divides invitations, schedules and Final Project Drafts to Supervisors and Examiners

SOP for Implementation of Final Project :

  1. Students are ready in the Meeting Room and conduct examinations on schedule
  2. Academic Administration Prepares the Minutes Form and Examination Form as well as supporting equipment for the exam
  3. Testing Lecturers and Final Project Advisors receive form scores and carry out Final Project examinations
  4. Students revise the draft Final Project as requested by the testing team
  5. Academic Administration accepts the results of Final Project examinations and recapitulates the results of the exam, submits the results of the Final Project examination to the Head of Undergraduate Program
  6. Head of Undergraduate Program ​​Check the recapitulation of Final Project exam results and mengentri Final Project values ​​on Academic SIM

SOP For Judiciary :

  1. Students qualify for a minimum of 144 credits including TA grades, and there is no D value (fulfilling SKEM and TOEFL scores)
  2. Submit a CD (softcopy) TA to the ITS Library, books and CDs to the Physics Reading Room
  3. Academic Administration makes a list of names of prospective student candidates
  4. Academic Administration checks and recapitulates student data on prospective student candidates
  5. The Academic Administration recaps and collects complete data on the requirements of the judiciary
  6. Secretary of Department / Study Program S1 checks the value data and completeness data of prospective judicial participants
  7. The Head of Department signs the proposal for the Candidate Participants in the Judicial Department to be sent to the Faculty
  8. The faculty together with the Faculty Consideration Commission (KPF) held a judicial meeting and signed the judicial results to be sent to the Institute.
  9. ITS Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs / ITS Chancellor Holds institute-level judiciary meeting and issues Graduation Decree

You can download the Guidelines here

SOP For Pre-Thesis Examination

  • Students have chosen and chosen by the prospective lecturer in the first semester and have undergone relevant laboratory activities through the MK Research Method
  • Students take Pre-Thesis MK if they have passed the MK Research Method
  • Students consult with prospective supervisors about research material
  • Students compose a research proposal text following the Guidelines for Preparation of Thesis Proposals which have been circulated by the ITS Postgraduate Program
  • The implementation of the Pre-thesis Exam must be approved by the supervisor
  • Students who will carry out the Pre-thesis Examination must submit a draft proposal (to be tested) and the Pre-Thesis Examination form to the Thesis Coordinator
  • The study program determines the testing team consisting of mentors, escort supervisors and two examiners (one as Chair and the other as a Member). The chief examiner is not a supervisor or supervisor.
  • The study program arranges the schedule of the Pre-thesis Exam. The testing team was tried not to change until the implementation of the progress report and Thesis Exam.
  • The testing team receives the test schedule and proposal draft at least 3 days before the exam.
  • The Pre-thesis Exam Schedule is announced publicly.
  • Technical Implementation of Pre-thesis Exams,
    Students and testing teams are present at the specified time and place (according to schedule)
    Exams can be attended by student listeners.
    The students tested presented the contents of the proposal in about 20 minutes, followed by question and answer, discussion and comments to refine the research proposal by examiners and student listeners.
    The total time for the examination is 60 minutes.
  • The testing team gave an assessment of the proposal text, presentation, and research planning capabilities. The testing team wrote down inputs to improve the proposal (research plan).
  • The assessment form is provided by the study program (attached). Student listeners do not give value to the implementation of the exam.
  • Students improve the proposal according to input from the testing team, then ask for approval for the improvements made to all members of the testing team
  • Students are required to submit a research proposal that has been approved by the testing team and has been bound to the study program (n + 2), with n being the number of members of the testing team
  • The study program legalizes proposals and distributes proposals to members of the testing team and to the ITS Postgraduate.
  • The study program validates the value of the Pre-Thesis Examination that has been approved by the Testing Team.

SOP The process of writing a Thesis

The procedure for writing a thesis is arranged in a thesis writing guidebook published by ITS, among others relating to

  • Format for writing and binding
  • Size and type
  • Paper type and size
  • Standardization of the ITS logo

SOP for Lecturer Feasibility in Guidance and Thesis Examiners

  • Thesis advisors are lecturers holding doctoral degrees or lecturers with professorships
  • The main supervisor of the thesis must come from the Physics Department, FMIPA ITS
  • The number of master tutors per class is limited by the ITS Postgraduate Quality Standard, which is 6 people
  • A student can be guided by more than one supervisor and can be from two different areas of interest

Thesis Testing Feasibility SOP

  • The main examiners of the thesis proposal and thesis are from the Physics Department of FMIPA ITS and are lecturers holding doctoral degrees or lecturers with professorships
  • Companion examiners are lecturers with doctoral degrees or lecturers with professorships or professionals who have relevant and adequate academic capabilities
  • A primary examiner is allowed to test as many as 10 students per semester
  • A companion examiner is allowed to test as many as 3 students per semester

SOP For Thesis Examinataion

  • Students have been declared to have passed the Pre-thesis Exam at least 3 months before the Thesis Examination.
  • Students take MK Thesis taking in the semester which will be undertaken at least in the third semester of the course. MK Thesis can be taken with the Pre-Thesis MK in the same semester, but the thesis exam is still held 3 months after the student has passed the Pre-thesis Exam.
  • Students conduct research and consultations with supervisors about research material recorded in the logbook. The logbook is provided by the postgraduate study program and is distributed free of charge to students undergoing research.
  • Students carry out progress reports at least 1 month after they have passed the Pre-thesis Exam. The report’s progress aims to determine the progress of the research that has been carried out including constraints and estimates of the completion of research
  • Students carry out scientific publications in national / international seminar media or in the form of scientific articles for local / national / international journals with topics relevant to his thesis research. Students are the first authors of the publication.
  • Students prepare a draft (book) thesis following the Thesis Preparation Guide which has been circulated by the ITS Postgraduate Program
  • Students get the approval of the supervisor to advance the Thesis Exam
  • Students submit thesis examinations by submitting a thesis draft (to be tested) and an advanced form of trial accompanied by requirements,
    TOEFL Certificate
    Official proof of scientific publications and supporters (eg certificates as seminar speakers)
  • The study program conducts a due diligence on the draft thesis collected.
  • The study program prepares a thesis exam schedule with the testing team the same as the testing team on the Pre-thesis Exam.
  • The number of members of the testing team for a student is 3-4 people
  • The testing team received the draft thesis at least 3 days before the exam
  • The thesis exam is carried out in 2 stages, namely presentation and closed examination. The presentation was attended by the examiners and student listeners.
  • Students present 20 minutes, followed by question and answer and comments by the examiners and student listeners. The total time for the presentation is 60 minutes.
  • The closed examination is carried out to test and hold students accountable for the research activities that they have carried out.
  • The testing team gave an assessment of the thesis text, presentation, and ability to carry out the research. The testing team also provided written inputs for the completion of the thesis. The assessment form is provided by the study program.
  • Student listeners do not give value to the implementation of the exam.
  • Students improve the thesis according to the input from the testing team, then ask for approval for the improvements made to all members of the testing team
  • Submit a thesis book that has been approved by the testing team and has been bound to the study program by (n + 4) with n is the number of mentors accompanied by a CD containing a thesis in pdf format with a watermark.
  • The study program legalizes the thesis book and distributes it to the Physics Study Program, supervisor (lecturer), Physics Reading Room, ITS Library, and ITS Postgraduate.

Doctoral Promotion Open Session Guide

Administrative Preparations (For Promovendus / Promovenda)

  • Prepare 8 (eight) copies of the dissertation that have been approved / signed by the Chair of the Advisory Team and its members and then submit to the Department Secretariat no later than two weeks before the date of the promotion session.
  • Preparing 100 (one hundred) copies of dissertation abstracts in Indonesian and English with a curriculum vitae then submitted to the Postgraduate Program Secretariat no later than a week before the date of the promotion session.
  • Fill out the free lab and reading room form.

Preparation for the Implementation of Open Doctoral Promotion Session (For Postgraduate Academic Administration)

  • Make an invitation letter to the refutation team signed by the KPF chairman / or representative.
  • Make a letter to the Chair of the Session (request to be the Chair of the Session) signed by the Chair of the KPF / or the representative.
  • Make a List of Actors consisting of: KPF Chairperson / or representing, Chairperson of the Session, and the Counter-Team.
  • Preparing open doctoral promotion banners.
  • Make official publication reports and TOEFL / foreign languages ​​authorized by the Chair of the Department.
  • Make an invitation for an open session of doctoral promotion.
  • Making minutes of open trial doctoral promotions.
  • Make the results of limited meetings / judiciary by KPF, Correction of academic data on SIM ITS BAAK about the length of study and S2 a plot or not a plot.

Open Session Material

  • Booklet / dissertation summary.
  • Publications and news documents signed by the Department Chair.
  • English Language Certificate / EFL-ITS.
  • Certificate of publication.
  • Recap the value of courses that have been obtained (download on SIM BAAK ITS)
  • Qualification exam score recap.
  • The dissertation exam score recap is closed.
  • List of Actors.

Guidelines for implementing an open doctoral session.

Especially for the debating team material:

  • Given a value form on the minutes of the open session of doctoral promotion.
  • For counselors other than the grades form, they were also given a form of open session recapitulation of doctoral promotions (for recapitulating scores from all the refutation teams), and CV promovendus / promovenda in separate folders.

Especially for the Chairperson’s material:

  • Reported on the open trial on the first page
  • Results of a limited meeting of open session doctoral promotions (in separate folders).

Promotion Assembly Preparation (for promovendus / promovenda)

  • Check and try presentation equipment, Over Head Projector (OHP), Slide Projector, LCD Projector (infocus), and so on.
  • Prepare a presentation for a maximum of 20 minutes containing the essence of the results of the study, including what others have done, what is interesting for promovendus / promovenda and why, the outline of promovendus / promovenda research and contributions given to the development of science, as well as the flow of development knowledge that can be caused by the results of these studies.
  • Make transparencies, slides, or presentation materials (power points) for presentations, not photocopies directly from the dissertation page. For a 20 minute presentation, the number of transparencies or slides is recommended not to exceed 35 pieces.
  • Make good use of time, which is 7 minutes for answers or explanations to each objector. Because promotion is also intended to display promovendus / promovenda to the scientific community that is related, answers or explanations should reflect the mastery of knowledge, insight, and good scientific attitude from promovendus / promovenda, presented in a clear and clear manner so that the attendees can be arrested. Promovendus / promovenda does not have a dialogue with or argue with the objector.
  • At the beginning of the promotion session, you are asked to leave the court until it’s time to be called in.
  • Things that have not been clear can be asked to the Postgraduate Program Secretariat.

Undergraduate Program (update 2022)


Download the Guidelines (in Bahasa Indonesia) here


Master Program

Pedoman Penyusunan Tesis Untuk Mahasiswa Prodi Magister


Doctoral Program

Pedoman Penyusunan Disertasi Untuk Mahasiswa Prodi Doktor


Download the Guidelines For Postgraduates (in Bahasa Indonesia) here