February 08, 2022 12:02

Notification of Revision of Proposals and Research RAB for 2020 RISTEK/BRIN Funds

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

Following up on the letter from the Director of Research and Community Service – Deputy for Strengthening Research and Development – Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency number B/458/E3/RA.00/2020 dated July 1, 2020 regarding Notification of Revision of Proposals and RAB for 2020 Research , we hereby request to forward the following information to researchers within the Department:

  1. The lead researcher is required to upload a revised proposal and RAB
  2. Researchers who have been approved for refocusing the Covid-19 title based on submitting a request for a title change to the Director of Research and Community Service as listed in attachment 1, uploading a revised proposal and RAB according to the new focus that has been approved.
  3. Revised proposals and research RAB were uploaded through Simlitabmas NG 2.0 on 6-20 July 2020 by following the Guidelines for Uploading Revised Proposals and 2020 RAB Research attached (attachment 2).
  4. Researchers who wish to change the location and research methods must obtain prior approval from the Director of Research and Community Service. The procedure for submitting a change in location and research methods can refer to the Supplement to the Research Guide and Community Service during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Pandemic in attachment 3. Write a letter to the ITS DRPM a maximum of 24 July 2020.
  5. If the lead researcher does not upload the revised proposal and RAB, then all the consequences that arise in carrying out the research are the responsibility of the head researcher.

We thank you for your attention and cooperation.


1. Surat Pengantar Pemberitahuan Revisi Proposal dan RAB Penelitian Tahun 2020

2. Surat Pemberitahuan Revisi Proposal dan RAB Penelitian Tahun 2020

3. Surat Keputusan Suplemen Panduan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat pada Masa Pandemi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

4. Lampiran I – Judul Penelitian Refocusing COVID-19

5. Lampiran II – Pedoman Unggah Revisi Proposal dan RAB Penelitian Tahun 2020

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