February 07, 2022 13:02

Upload the Progress Report on the Implementation of Research Activities and Abmas ITS Funds and Funds for the Batch 1 T.A 2021 Work Unit

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

Based on article 7 paragraph 3 of the Letter of Agreement on Funding for Research and Community Service ITS Funds and Funds for Batch 1 Work Unit FY 2021, we hereby ask for your assistance in conveying to the implementers of research activities/abmas (list of names attached) to send progress reports , daily records (log book) of the progress and outputs of the implementation of activities by taking into account the following matters:

  1. Progress reports, progress log books, and outputs for carrying out research and community service activities are uploaded to SIMPEL ITS no later than September 15, 2021;
  2. The progress report and log book format can be downloaded at https://intip.in/unduhtemplatelaporan .
  3. Report on the use of the budget in accordance with the agreement letter in article 7 paragraph 5, submitted at the time of the final report (100%).

Thus this notification, we thank you for your attention and cooperation.



  1. Surat Pengantar Unggah Laporan Kemajuan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Penelitian dan Abmas Dana ITS dan Dana Unit Kerja Batch 1 T.A 2021
  2. Lampiran Daftar Nama Litabmas Dana ITS Batch 1 Tahun 2021_Lap Kemajuan
  3. Lampiran Daftar Nama Litabmas Dana Unit Kerja Batch 1 Tahun 2021_Lap Kemajuan

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