Policy Research Center, Research and Development Agency and Books, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in 2021 open the selection of research proposals for phase II, with the following conditions.
1. Candidates for the research team are researchers/academics from universities. 2. The research is carried out by a team of at least 3 (three) people, consisting of one chairperson and two members. 3. A complete explanation of research activities is listed in the 2021 Phase II Research Implementation Guidelines.
Proposed research proposals are sent to email: research.puslitjakdikbud@kemdikbud.go.id with the subject: Research Proposal Phase II Year 2021. Acceptance of research proposals on 22 s.d. 27 June 2021.
The systematics of writing proposals refers to the 2021 Phase II Research Implementation Guidelines which can be downloaded on the website https://puslitjakdikbud.kemdikbud.go.id.
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