February 06, 2022 22:02

Food Staples Policy to Strengthen Madiun City’s Food Security

Oleh : itsdrpm | | Source : -

The Madiun City Government held a FGD survey of 12 staple food commodities, in order to formulate development policies in the food sector and to strengthen regional food security. The FGD was held on Monday, December 13, 2021 at the Graha Bakti Praja Building, 2nd Floor, Bapelitbangda Madiun City Meeting Room. PDPM ITS as a study center that contributes to regional development, was invited to submit survey results, analyzes as well as policy recommendations for strengthening food security in Madiun City. Representatives from PDPM ITS are Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Santoso, Lic.Rer.Reg as the head of the activity preparation team, Vely Kukinul Siswanto, ST, MT, M.Sc as experts and the drafting team.

The high rate of population growth in Madiun City is accompanied by an increasing need for food commodities. Rapid population growth also triggers an increase in land demand, resulting in a significant conversion of agricultural land for food in Madiun City. Meanwhile, the goals of sustainable development are to ensure people without hunger (zero hunger), increase food security and improve nutrition. Therefore, there is a need for a survey of staple food commodities so that consumption patterns can be identified, which can later be used as a formulation of development policies in the food sector. The twelve staple foods surveyed were rice, corn, soybeans, beef, chicken meat, shallots, garlic, chilies, sugar, eggs, wheat flour and cooking oil.

Vely Kukinul Siswanto, ST, MT, M.Sc said that the survey was conducted by proportional random sampling with a minimum number of respondents of 123 families. This figure is considered to represent all villages in Madiun City. The survey results show that the total production of rice, corn and soybeans has experienced a downward trend in recent years, while chicken meat production is observed to be abundant during 2021. Other commodities, such as chicken eggs, have decreased over the last 4 years. Of the twelve existing staples, the 4 staples that experienced the highest fluctuations were eggs, soybeans, cooking oil and chicken meat.

Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Santoso, Lic.Rer.Reg revealed that to overcome food problems such as decreased production and to strengthen food security in Madiun City, appropriate policy formulations are needed, such as the determination of irrigated rice fields according to the recommendation of standard rice fields from ATR/BPN to LP2B to maintain productivity. agriculture, especially rice commodities in Madiun City, improving community welfare by making improvements to aspects of health, education and labor in order to increase the level of population consumption of basic commodities. There is also a need for diversification of staple products to drive MSMEs in Madiun City. (dw/sc)

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