On April 18, 2024, students from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology in Surabaya
This certificate states that the ITS Industrial Engineering S1 and S3 Study Programs have
Pertamina Buka Lowongan Kerja Program Internship bagi Lulusan S1 Klik untuk baca: http://kmp.im/AGBTjz Download
In the framework of Merdeka Learning-Merdeka Campus, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture
Semangat Pagi, sisfor! Bagi kalian yang sedang mencari kerja, ada info menarik nih, check
Since 1985, at the beginning of the establishment of DTSI, there have been many
Penyambutan mahasiwa Studi Ekskursi TI-29 (2013) oleh ALTIUS