Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals


“Equality needs to underpin every aspect of sustainability if the objectives of the SDGs are to be met. Although SDG 5 Explores this through the prism of gender, SDG 10 takes a broader look at intersectionality of disadvantages. This disadvantages can be felt through all of the other key issues raised by the SDGs – disadvantaged groups are both more likely to be unable to take advantage of progress and to suffer from the effects of climate change.”
(THE Impact Rankings)

Measures against Discrimination

Rector Statement Letter to ITS’ Commitment on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


ITS Surabaya upholds non-discriminatory admissions policies, welcoming students based on their academic achievements, talents, and potential rather than their gender, race, religion, or socioeconomic status. Rector’s Statement Letter Chapter 1 promotes equality and fosters a diverse and inclusive learning environment where students from various backgrounds can learn and collaborate.


Regulation of ITS Academic Senate No. 2 Year 2016 about Policies and Directions of ITS Academic Development


In terms of student admission, the Regulation of ITS Academic Senate No. 2 Year 2016 about the Policy and Direction of Academic Development at ITS, specifically Section IV, Academic Policy, point 4.1.3, stated that Every Indonesian citizen who meets the academic requirements has the same rights without experiencing discrimination in terms of ethnicity, religion, belief, gender, economy and disability. There is also a non-discriminatory policy regarding employee recruitment, such as no gender differences or other discrimination issues. The Government regulation No. 54 Year 2015 about ITS Statute, specifically Article 55 paragraph 2, stated, “The employment system is open, based on performance, without distinguishing ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroups.

AUN-KNB Scholarship


The diversity in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) can be seen from the campus individuals that come from various origins and backgrounds. ITS offers Kemitraan Negara Berkembang (KNB) Scholarship, popularly known as KNB Scholarship, a financial assistance offered by the Indonesian Government to prospective international students coming from developing countries to pursue their degree in ITS. KNB Scholarship at ITS Surabaya is provided for Master and Doctorate Program. This scholarship has been attractive for many applicants from developing countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Oceania, and Asia. All academic programs (lectures and thesis/dissertation) will be conducted in the Indonesian.

Source: KNB Scholarship Webpage

Higher Education Scholarship (Beasiswa ADIK)


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has worked with the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemrisetdikti) for over ten years to accept students from disadvantaged areas through ADIK scholarship expressly. In 2022, ITS accept 20 new students from ADIK scholarship program. Those 20 students came from Papua, West Papua and other underdeveloped regions in Indonesia (Terdepan, Terluar, dan Tertinggal (3T) regions).

Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember’s Commitment to a Global Campus


ITS is strongly committed to enhancing diversity and inclusion on campus by actively attracting more students and instructors from various backgrounds. Through these efforts, ITS is determined to create an inclusive campus environment that fosters diversity and prepares students and staff to participate on a global scale through diverse internationalization programs. ITS recognizes the importance of diversity as a means to enhance creativity and promote fair competition.

Regulation of ITS Academic Senate No. 2 Year 2016 about the Policy and Direction of Academic Development 


ITS Surabaya has anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. The Regulation of ITS Academic Senate No. 2 Year 2016 about the Policy and Direction of Academic Development at ITS, specifically Section IV, Academic Policy, point 4.1.3 stated that Every Indonesian citizen who meets the academic requirements has the same rights without experiencing discrimination in terms of ethnicity, religion, belief, gender, economy and disability. In terms of employee recruitment, there are also non-discriminatory policies, such as no gender differences or other discrimination issues.


Rector Statement Letter to ITS’ Commitment on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


ITS with its “Advancing Humanity” motto is committed to contributing to the achievement of SDGs by becoming a campus with anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy. The commitment is shown in Chapter 1 of the Rector’s Statement Letter in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Decree of the Rector of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Number 1806/IT2/T/HK.00.01/2022 on the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence


The cases of sexual violence are complex and become sensitive matters. Not everyone knows the urgency and can express it to the right people. Therefore, ITS Task Force Team for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence (PPKS) was formed to be a safe place to complain and also focus on victim’s recovery. This is one of ITS’s commitments to create a safe campus from sexual violence based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 30 of 2021 concerning PPKS in a higher education environment. The Task Force team, which has been officially in charge since the 3rd of October, consists of seven lecturers, three educational staff, and 11 students as the representatives of each faculty in ITS.

In Frame: Satgas PPKS

ITS Closes the Gender Gap in the Institutional Realm


Coinciding with Kartini Day 2022, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to erode the gender gap and encourage the development of women’s contributions in the institutional realm. ITS indeed strives to create a supportive atmosphere for its entire academic community. Forms of support for eradicating the gender gap are carried out by providing personal and organizational development assistance that DSDMO has mapped. Furthermore, one of the Chemistry Department Lecturers, Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD, successfully initiated the Organization for Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD) Indonesia National Chapter, an organization of female scientists with an extraordinary vision for advancing science in Indonesia.

In Frame: Sri Fatmawati SSi MSc PhD (The Chairman of ALMI for the 2020-2022 period)

ITS Surabaya Provides Mentoring, Counselling, or Peer Support Programs to Support Students from Underrepresented Groups


ITS through ITS Global Engagement held monitoring and mentoring programs for KNB students such as Special Days, a gathering event conducted by ITS International Student Family, and Sit-in Class, a program to help KNB students adapt to Indonesian environment to support and ease their learning time at ITS.

ITS Invited to Socialize to Support Great Women Researchers 


Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has been invited to participate in promoting and supporting outstanding women researchers. The invitation involves a socialization effort to highlight and encourage the contributions of women in research. The news emphasizes the recognition and promotion of women’s achievements in the field of research, underlining the importance of fostering an environment that supports and uplifts women researchers. The initiative signifies a commitment to gender equality and the acknowledgement of the valuable contributions made by women in the academic and research community.

Facilities for People with Disabilities (PWDs)


To reduce inequalities at campus, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) provides disability support services. The support services on campus are manifested in the form of accessible facilities for people with disabilities, including access to buildings, library, parks, and toilets. In addition to that, the university also provides services for disabled communities.

During The Visit by BPJS, ITS Introduced New Innovations for Disabled Patients


The existence of various innovative works from the academic community of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) attracted the attention of the Employment Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS) to visit the ITS campus to discuss the sustainability of the collaboration. This time, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan wants to improve employment services by manufacturing and installing body aids. With this opportunity, the Director of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) presents one of ITS innovative works in the health sector, namely prosthetic orthotics. This innovation can manufacture and install body aids for patients with disabilities. This service surely facilitates people with disabilities.

List of Disability Support by ITS


To reduce inequalities at campus, ITS Surabaya provides disability support services. The support services on campus are manifested in the form of accessible facilities for people with disabilities, including access to buildings, library, parks, and toilets. In addition to that, the university also provides services for disabled communities.


Facilities for People with Disabilities Added in 2022


Facilities for People with Disabilities in 2020


Service Guidance for Students with Disabilities in University by the General Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia 

ITS Empowers the Fake Thousand Hands Movement: Innovations for Inclusive Communities


ITS has developed innovative initiatives through the Fake Thousand Hands Movement to assist individuals with disabilities. This movement involves community participation and aims to create a friendly ecosystem for people with disabilities. ITS is committed to continuously developing this movement in order to provide tangible benefits to individuals with disabilities in Indonesia.

Abmas ITS Develops Innovative Website for YPAC Surabaya Special School


In order to support the digital transformation in the field of education and assist SLB YPAC, the team from the Abmas Department of Biomedical Engineering at ITS has successfully developed a website aimed at establishing an information media center. The website integrates school data management and provides various essential information, including links to the social media platforms of SLB YPAC Surabaya. In its design, the website has been created with a user-friendly system, making it easy for users to access and utilize all the available features conveniently.

Rector Statement Letter to ITS’ Commitment on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


To create an inclusive educational landscape, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has embraced progressive policies to ensure that education is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. One of the pivotal strategies employed is the implementation of reasonable accommodation policies. Rector’s Statement Letter Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 provide necessary support and facilities, fostering an environment where students with disabilities can thrive academically and socially.


Facilities for People with Disabilities (PWDs)


To reduce inequalities at campus, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) provides disability support services. The support services on campus are manifested in the form of accessible facilities for people with disabilities, including access to buildings, library, parks, and toilets. In addition to that, the university also provides services for disabled communities.


Government Regulation Number 13 Year 2020


One of the strategies to reduce inequalities is to provide reasonable accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities including adequate funding. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) refers and implement Government Regulation No. 13 year 2020 about Accommodation Policy for Diffable Students.


Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.70 Year 2018 about People with Disabilities


The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.70 Year 2019, also known as the Law on People with Disabilities, aims to ensure the rights and welfare of people with disabilities in Indonesia. The law recognizes the rights of people with disabilities to education, employment, health, social welfare, and participation in social, cultural, and political life. It also lays out the responsibilities of the government and private sector to provide accessibility and accommodations for people with disabilities.



Number of Students Starting a Degree


Number of 1st Generation Students Starting a Degree


Proportion of First-Generation Students


Number of Students from Developing Countries


Number of Students


Number of Employees


Number of Employees with Disability

Sustainable Development Goals > SDG 10